EQ stuck in Windowed Mode?


Dalayan Beginner
I finally get SoD to work, however the game is stuck in windowed mode.

I can force it to be maximum by C+A+D but I still see the border and start button along with active windows on bottom. Not to mention I can't see the top or bottom due to these covering it.

Anyways to fix this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
SoD uses EQWindows by default. Because that program was originally made to put EQ in a window when you couldn't before, they didn't make you able to fullscreen it. You can shut off EQW under the advanced tab on the SoD patcher, but I've heard people have some problems with not useing EQW.
Yeah, I just figured that out, thank you anyways for your help.

Mod you can remove this topic, I have solved the problem.
Banedor said:
Yeah, I just figured that out, thank you anyways for your help.

Mod you can remove this topic, I have solved the problem.

I did that myself, but I still get windowed mode.
You can always right click the taskbar and go into properties to set it to auto-hide or uncheck to keep on top of other windows. Can be a pain outside of SoD but would prevent it from showing up over if stuck in Window mode.
I remember the problem now, since I've recently switched to not using EQW. The problem is that you can't get back to full screen mode once you go to windowed mode once. That also means you wouldn't be able to dual client on the same computer without being in windowed mode anyway.
Luciola said:
I remember the problem now, since I've recently switched to not using EQW. The problem is that you can't get back to full screen mode once you go to windowed mode once. That also means you wouldn't be able to dual client on the same computer without being in windowed mode anyway.

So what was your solution to getting back to full screen?
Well, I am not at home to test this, but if you redownload the SoD patcher, it would probably bring you back to Windowed mode (the default). As for a more direct fix, not at home to test...
I don't really have a solution. I don't mind the windowed mode (since I occasionally 2-box), and the only reason I'm not using EQW now is because I'm using 3d Analyze so I can see the target ring. If you set the game resolution to your screen resolution, you can position the window so that it is basically 'full screen'.
If you're stuck in windowed mode after you've unchecked EQW in the patcher the easiest way to fix this is to open your Everquest directory (C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest) open eqclient.ini and change the line that says "WindowedMode=TRUE" to read "WindowsMode=FALSE" then save the file and reopen Everquest. It was the third line from the top in my file. Unchecking the use of EQW in the patcher doesn't seem to change this setting but this fixed the problem for me.
EQ has it's own built in window system now, after their run in with Microsoft. Do you have trouble switching from windowed mode to full screen mode (by using Alt+enter) when you aren't using EQW? If so, does changing that line seem to be the fix?
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