ED Maps


Dalayan Beginner
Looking to find out who all would be interested in doing ED Maps.

Plan is doing ED maps on the weekends starting around Noon EST, and going until we have 3 done.

Goal for me is to gear up my warrior in ED map gear, while handing out Vah quest peices, and other gear to classes.
Sweet so as I said I'll be doing these Sat and Sun around noon until we get 3 done each day, or more if people are down for it.

My goal is gearing Aborec, besides that no gear, or QP's will be claimed.

btw, if you guys could post what classes you want to bring it'd be a crazy help to me.
If Im awake and kids sleeping, I might be able to join. And well, If I can you will probably have Satrig inc too...

So thats:
bst+wiz and mage+druid

Do a /who all Agik to see if Im online and send a tell
stop being non-lazy.

you dont need to type the "who". just do / agik all

Lazyness gives us more time to be sloth-like
Start time of 3:30 EST on these today.

I will begin spamming ooc around 1:30 with the start time.

Invites and such will go out at 3:15
Went Tomorrow we're taking off. Memorial day and shit here in the US.

Saturday next week pick it back up at 12:30.
Got called into work early this morning was at work from 6 til 3pm est. ED maps did not happen today. Barring Work/Unplanned events saturday at 1:30
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