Dual boxing question


Dalayan Beginner
When I try to dual box, same acct or not, 9 of 10 times I suddenly get huge lag. Real Time lag of 30 seconds or more and the lag meter scrolling from green to yellow to red and back. I try camping and coming back but it only works once in awhile.

Is there anyway to change the amount of information being sent? a filter of some sort? What should I set the datarate at? (dial up). Any suggestions, beyond getting DSL.

Thank you!
What CPU, Memory and graphic card are you using?

Higher in the above will help as well as using dsl or cable.
I havent heard of anyone able to duel box on dialup but you knever know.

For me I use Broadband, have a gig of memory 2x 512(faster read and write over 1 gig stick) and a 2 gig cpu. I have 4 boxed on live with little to no problems on one computer.

I think you can change your daterate.txt (think that is what its called) to like 3, may help. But over all higher system specs and dsl or braodband will help more.

/Remembers when one could play EQ live on a 233Mhz :)
I run an ATI 9800 pro w/ 258 meg of mem on it(that is close at least) so am pretty up to date there. CPU is 2.08 Ghz AMD aqthlon (never again!) and run with 512 megs of SDDramm. 400 watt power supply.

What is weird to me is that sometimes it works just fine. But I have to camp/log in repeatedly till I get an instance where neither window of EQ is pouting.

I will try dropping the resolution down though just in case. I had already shut all of the extras off to save memory also.

/e also remembers running on a wimpy little CPU around 400 and with 96 megs of mem

Course, I could only really play in qeynos sewers then heh.
are you using EQW if so are you trying to play 2 screens side by side or are you stacking them? as long as both EQW screens are the exact same size on top of each other the lag will go away, if you try to side by side em it will mess you up
With a 3.2GHz P4 2gb RAM ATI 9800 PRO I can run two 800x600 windows *almost* side by side and the lag is pretty tolerable. More RAM definitely helps in switching between windows I've noticed. I used to "2 box" on live with 1 Gb of RAM and I can definitely tell I have better response with 2 Gb. Or I could just not be remembering correctly. YMMV I guess...
I have a 6mbit cable line ,1gig ram , and a Athlon 3000+ (1.9ghz range)

I can dual box no problem , atleast not visually , i randomly will get a lag drop on one guy but thats maybe once every 2 days.

Id assume you could just set the data rate , but honestly id blame it 100% on dialup.
When I try to dual I use EQW and do not do side/side. I switch between them with alt tab. Works great when the lag lets it. Funny thing is, when I get an instance working it stay great until I zone. Then is the time to pray that it stays connected as well. When it dualing is working, dial up is not a problem at all. Have even dual boxed in NP with tons of people and had it very playable.
Before the Cease and Desist dual boxing on dial up was no problem. When the server returned dual boxing on dial up became very difficult for me to do. Lag and disconnects make the game very hard to play.
Last I checked, too many packets are still being sent. Write:
/cmd filter all 1
It will disable all animations and focus effects.
Homogenn said:
Last I checked, too many packets are still being sent. Write:
/cmd filter all 1
It will disable all animations and focus effects.
This will seriously cut out a lot of lag / packet issues that you have. While boxing in my apartment was fine last year, over the summer with four accounts all running EQ, Jer and myself found it almost unbearable to raid, until someone told us about this.

Since then, I haven't seen people swinging a weapon, but hey, standing around a mob is fun too. And hell, I'm so used to it now I don't mind at all.

Awhile back, when I was still playing my live accounts, I came upon
some software (never tried it) that you had to pay for. It was like EQWindows,
but better, or so they claimed. And so it appeared. EQPlayNice I believe?
They had screenshots at their site, of people running 4 toons on one screen.
Not over-lapping either, I'm talking about each of the 4 would be taking up 25%
of the screen. It was wicked. Supposedly the program was written so that it wouldn't eat all your ram.
CPU and Framerate Limiting and other fancy things.

I've tried EQW, and it just blows. For me anyway.
I have Hi-speed DSL and I'm running XP Pro SP2, Gigabyte LAN MB, Athlon 64-bit processor, 1Gb RAM, and 6800GT 256 Meg pci-Express SLI video. I can run BF2 and other high-end games at max settings and they look like a movie.
Yet 2 instances of SoD is laggy. Not un-playable, but enough to be really annoying.

This leads me to 3 questions

1. Is it within the rules to run 2 toons from the same account ?
or is it 2 computers on a LAN running 1 toon each from 2 different accounts ?
Or can we do both, 2 toons using EQW on each box, and running 2 boxes, essentially 4-boxing ?

2. Are there some advanced settings somewhere for running EQW ?

3. Is there another program we can use to run multiple toons or accounts on one box ?

4. Will EQPlayNice work with SoD ?

5. Is it against the rules to use it, or anything other than EQW ?

Thanks for your time,

I am having similar issues while using EQW.

I started with 1 account and 2 characters. It works most times, but after a while the keyboard doesnt work for one of the sessions.

Yesterday I created a second account and I am having way more problems. I am getting constant lag on either or both sessions.

I am wondering if it has anything to do with character models. On the first account I play a Druid(Wood Elf) and Paladin(Human). On the second account I Play a Shaman(Orge).

My computer is:
3.0 or 3.2 GHz
2 x 512 ram(1gig)
Geforce FX 5200 (128 ram)
Cable connection

The only option that I use on the basic setup screen is sound. I have selected no new character models.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks in advance

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