Druid wolf forms


Dalayan Beginner
I was wondering about the two druid wolf forms that druids get at 54(Form of the Howler)and 60(Form of the Hunter). Does one of the two give mana regen? I guess that is what I need for my druid to be most effective. I do melee at times with the druid to slow the damage done by the mobs on my monk. I have looked online in two sources for spell info and neither describes exactly what the spells do and all I can tell in that Hunter is a faster run speed. Thanks in advance.
Just checked them out, very interesting..

It appears the 54 Form of the Howler gives:

Wolf Illusion
2 mana regen
67% speed increase

While the 60 Form of the Hunter gives:
Wolf Illusion
67 Attack
72% speed increase

I find it odd that the lower form gives mana regen and the higher one doesnt, unless of course it doesnt stack with Mask of the Hunter (4 FT).
Just checked, it Howler does not stack with mask of the hunter, so that solves that :toot:
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