Does my account exist?


Dalayan Beginner
I got the patcher to finally work and it allows me go navigate through the regular ********* pages in the beginning, but the username password does not work. Just wondering if there is something I am doing wrong, or if there is something wrong with the account.

Ok now it just got weird, I re-ran the patch on the SoD patcher and clicked the Re patch button, it downloaded some files and now I am getting the "Error opening packed file systems" with the Asian characters at the end again like I was before. Am I doing something wrong? I have the SoD patcher inside my game folder, is that were it should be. I just don't understand why it worked until i made it repatch
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Ok i reinstalled the game and patcher and got it to let me in again. So I see a page with a Froglok and the name then click connect and get a login page with the blonde chick. But the account still doesn't work. Are those the pages I should be seeing when logging in?

Do I need to let the actual game patch once to see the underfoot login page?
Sounds like you aren't running the game correctly. Disable EQWindows from the patcher or configure EQWindows to launch eqgame.exe.
Still no go

Ok I ensured that EQW was going to eggame.exe and I tried without using it windowed, still the same result :( I can get to the login screen, but my info does not work. Anyone else have an idea, it is really driving me crazy that this isn't working

An issue I think that might be arising, is that when i initally run the SoD patcher, it doesn't download anything. it checks for files and just starts. But if I click the repatch all button. It will download but then I get the error message about not being able to open packed files. Just thought know that might help too

I see a few mentions of seeing SoD rules when loading the game on the forums. I do not see this is that part of the problem too? or do the rules come up after logging in.

Sorry for the massive edits just keep trying stuff. I manually changed my eqhost.txt file to the correct login and now it is telling me that i have the incorrect version and need to patch. What do I do now? I hit the "repatch all" button again in hopes of fixing it, but it just took me back to my initial "cannot open" error
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