I got the patcher to finally work and it allows me go navigate through the regular ********* pages in the beginning, but the username password does not work. Just wondering if there is something I am doing wrong, or if there is something wrong with the account.
Ok now it just got weird, I re-ran the patch on the SoD patcher and clicked the Re patch button, it downloaded some files and now I am getting the "Error opening packed file systems" with the Asian characters at the end again like I was before. Am I doing something wrong? I have the SoD patcher inside my game folder, is that were it should be. I just don't understand why it worked until i made it repatch
Ok now it just got weird, I re-ran the patch on the SoD patcher and clicked the Re patch button, it downloaded some files and now I am getting the "Error opening packed file systems" with the Asian characters at the end again like I was before. Am I doing something wrong? I have the SoD patcher inside my game folder, is that were it should be. I just don't understand why it worked until i made it repatch
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