Dalayan Master
whoever repped me saying "you still use it though," i actually dont. i do not know why the person playing me does. i would use rujik drum or anthem over it. soul shepherd, 4.3 robe, nz ring, horok, and probably others are all bank items by the time you can get them
i can almost guarantee how all of these nerfs went: woldaff shows up one day and finds out about it, tells slaariel to do something about it, who tells marza to do something about it. they all argue they cant progress the game properly because of what marza does, without admitting the fact that marza is the only person who is going to make any high tier content anyways. either marza or slaariel gets upset and just nerfs it down to uselessness as an "i'll show you" type thing. repeat x weeks later
i can almost guarantee how all of these nerfs went: woldaff shows up one day and finds out about it, tells slaariel to do something about it, who tells marza to do something about it. they all argue they cant progress the game properly because of what marza does, without admitting the fact that marza is the only person who is going to make any high tier content anyways. either marza or slaariel gets upset and just nerfs it down to uselessness as an "i'll show you" type thing. repeat x weeks later