Different 2 boxing question


Dalayan Beginner
I was just wondering if someone could post some recommended specs for 2 boxing on one pc. Should I just double the normal recommendations, or does it take less power because one will always be in the background? I'd like to be able to 2box, but I'm not sure if my rock is up to the task.... /mutter and grumble.....
I two box fine on a rather old computer. Main thing you need is plenty of ram, at least 1gb.
My box is a p4 2.8 (at around 3.4ghz, but still, kinda old), 1gb pc3200, 2x74wd raptors (i think these help with load time) and an overclocked radeon 9800 pro.
I run one client at 1280x1024 and one at 1024x760, both with 4xAA and 8xAF. as long as you keep spell effect density low, there are really no slow downs.
If you didn't run AA and AF, I'm sure much lower specs could two-box just fine. That and/or turn off spell effects to really increase performance.
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