Detailed Models issue


Dalayan Beginner
I have a 9300gs and 4gb system memory. Still it tells me my current configuration will only allow for 2 detailed models. Why is this? Do I need to just tweak the ini file by hand?

thanks for the help.

thanks that worked but for some reason the models still do not display...

Also I am getting the most sporadic framerate it just chugs and skips and runs so super slow. I also can not hear any sound at all.

is there a link to a post that solves these issues.

my specs are far beyond what is needed
9300gs with 4gb ram (asus gaming laptop)

I remember playing this game with geforce 2 and 3

thanks again for the help
Thanks for the response.

Here are my specs:
Laptop: ASUS X83VB-X2
Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit
Intel Core 2 Duo T6400(2.00ghz)
4gb Ram
NVIDIA Geforce 9300M GS
RealTek HD Audio (Integrated)

Is this enough information?

thanks for the help
When you run the patcher, is the affinity bound to one of the cores?

I also run SoD on a Asus Laptop (an M30 though) and it runs fine. I even upgraded the OS to Win7 64 and it still runs.
yes I did use the bound to affinity option
still it is really chugging and acting all kinds of bizarre
still cant get sound to work either
ok I had to bind it to processor 2 I kept trying 1.

now my newest question is...
I want to use full screen and I read to do so I do not use eqw when running patch.
problem is it crashes with an application error when I run it this way.
any tips on this?
Hmm, glad you got the chugging fixed. No idea about the application error bit, I'm sure someone else has had this problem though so here's a free bump.
I'm having the same issue with the character models. None of them will work even when I only select 2.

My specs:
OS: Windows 7 32-bit
3.2 ghz core 2 extreme x2
4gb ram
GeForce 9800gx2

I remember playing this game back in the day so it seems funny my current machine can't display the updated models.

anyone else had this problem?
edit your eqconfig.ini and change all the falses to trues to get the better char graphics, u can also input custom resoultuions.
I think a lot of these peeps don't realize that there are two checkboxes for each race, one male one female per.
I have the same problem. I select all of them using the options screen and bypass by pressing enter, no change. I manually edit eqclient.ini, no change. I cannot get Luclin models to work at all.
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