So after digging into this a little bit...
My understanding from talking to Slaar is that the fist mechanics are supposed to be the same between monk and bstlord, meaning that the fist ratio scales with the value of STR and DEX.
Per my parses with and without shaman stats, it is clear that bstlord ratio does in fact change with stat values, and does more DPS as STR and DEX values increase.
The main difference I notice between BST and MNK fist is that MNK fist accuracy is ~90%, defining accuracy as swings that do not miss. On the other hand, BST fist accuracy is around 70%, which is similar to classes with 250 weapon skill using any weapon. I also noticed an increase in accuracy over long parses when adding +25 h2h skill overcap, but it only brought the beast into the 72-74 range, not the 90+ range that monks get.
Given the miss rates with h2h weapon on BST, I am unsure the damage of a fist weapon will ever compare to the damage of using weapons, as well as weapons advantage of giving higher stats / hp.
My main question now is, if MNK and BST fist are designed to function the same way, is the 20% miss rate difference intentional? Or was it just tweaked for MNK during the revamp and forgotten about because most BST use weapons? Is there a possibility of giving BST the same h2h accuracy that monks currently have? If so, this may help bridge the gap and allow BST to use h2h as a DPS set up, in exchange for the improved durability of using weapons.