

Dalayan Pious Diety
Seriously. Its getting to the point where I crash every 3 4 times I zone

Have you guys changed something a few patchs ago? I have never had an issue before with crashing up until recently (couple months ago)
Seriously. Its getting to the point where I crash every 3 4 times I zone

Have you guys changed something a few patchs ago? I have never had an issue before with crashing up until recently (couple months ago)

have you tried power cycling your modem ?
Before the solid state hard drive on my Lenovo T61 took a shit (about 2 weeks ago) I was having the same issue.

After a zone crash I would try to load back into the zone and crash. Then I would restart the instance and crash again. Finally I would restart the instance for a second time and be allowed back in game.

My brother has the exact same problem with his Levono T61.

When playing on my old school Dell Inspiron E1505 I don't crash at all. The only problem I have with my Dell is that I get no target rings...
Pretty well everybody in Europe has massive issues with this. May be related to ping.

Seemed to start about the time of the new server. Consensus is that it is related to ping and packet loss.

This has been raised several times by players.

Is it possible for someone technical associated with the server to comment as it is a massive pain to have to relog toons four or five times when for example you port a duo from Athica to RSP-Darkwoods-Plaguelands.

It would be really annoying if it just required a variable in a setup to our modems to be changed to avoid the problem.
I haven't crashed on zoning in weeks... except for when I was trying to zone into a zone that some dev had already crashed.

You're basically asking us to go an a "crashing on zoning" bug witch hunt. Do you have anything for us to go on??
I haven't crashed on zoning in weeks... except for when I was trying to zone into a zone that some dev had already crashed.

You're basically asking us to go an a "crashing on zoning" bug witch hunt. Do you have anything for us to go on??

From a European perspective there were no problems until about the time of the new server.

Since then I crash on logging in 25-50% of the time and crash up to 50% of the time on zoning.

There is no rhyme or reason to it that I see and is not related to server population and some days crash only 10-20% and others more like 50%. Will ask my Euro buddies for their views.
As a fellow European I can confirm that crashes occur on 40 to 50% of zonings and about 20% of log ins.

I have a high speed fibre optic connection that has no problems other than this game.
How often do you clear your log? Having a 2gb log file can increase how often you crash by alot. Another thing i've noticed that improves zone time/stability is trying to keep your bank/inv as clean as possible.
Do you mean the file in the folder called logs because that is 3kb.

I have a gimp with nothing in the bank that zones slightly faster but still crashes.

It has been suggested that this is due to packet loss but didn't happen until a few months ago around the time of the new server.

If it is packet loss I did wonder if a timeout variable had been set too low so that the connection was terminated if there was even a slight communication delay. However that is total speculation but first thing to check is were there any changes ot the protocols when the new server was installed.
The log files are called Eqlog_****.txt, and i doubt its that timeout thing because just short of a month ago i had this issue where my wireless card would drop my connection for 5-10 seconds at a pop, id ALMOST got LD, then it'd come back everything would happen at once and then all was well, And i am 100% sure it happened a few times well zoning and it didn't seem to flat out crash me.
Thanks for the helpful suggestions Draeos

I don't have any files with that type of name. In the back of my head I have the feeling logs have to be turned on, is that correct?

Any other suggestions welcomed.
Actually I have been running on the same machine for almost a year now. As of the what we will call the "pet patch" there have been numerous crashes during zoning. Never login, just zoning. Probably every 3-4 times I zone I crash. I will do some looking at my logs and such, but very odd this happened just after this patch.

Just my 2pp

since i went from a reliable connection to a poor one, low reception w/ lots of packet loss, i frequently crash on zoning. i never used to crash, ever
For folks crashing...

I'm looking into this as a player, simply because things like this interest me. One question I'd like to get a sense of: is there a pattern as to when/how often you crash? Most interesting to me would be "yeah it happens on nights/weekends when lots of ppl online" or something like that.

Also, when you zonecrash, does it take a little bit before you get booted? Or does it happen pretty quickly? When you try to reconnect immediately, do you get any errors?

Any information may help. Things like this are a PITA to track down, just trying to get some information over to the dev folks.
There is no pattern at all,

last Friday and Saturday had relatively few crashes but can crash over 50% of the time when server population is at 50 or at 250.

Today crashed about 30-40% of log-ins and zones

Virtually every European experiences this although nobody in Seven Virtues will post even though they nearly all have issues.

Does not seem related to OS or gear. Started about the time of the new server.
I havent experienced these issues however a lot of American ISPs are changing and implementing new things right now.
Good to know folks. Any other input is helpful.

Goldfolk: When you say crashed log-ins, do you mean going from server select to in-game? I presume so, just want to make sure.
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