Crashing in Heartlands


Dalayan Adventurer
So for some reason I am consistently crashing in heartlands. Tried all the usual fixes, repatch, reinstall ext. I don't have this problem anywhere else, but this zone I can't seem to play in at at, which really sucks cause well I got like 4 guys stalled around 40 now, lol. I know there are other places to hunt, but I'd like to be able to get into heartlands at some point, any ideas?
Specific information about the crash including but not limited to what exactly you see on your screen when it happens and what happens after the crash would help.
Well normally what I'm doing is just running around exploring or hunting. I did spend one night attempting to hunt here but got frustrated and left. As for what it says, well when server comes back up I'll check again cause I can't remember, hehe.
I've noticed that if I spend more than a few seconds on the hill between the BS camp and the valley that the named spider spawns, my client crashes. Only on that spot, though. None of the Owlbear hills.
I've noticed this exact same thing. It crashes on/around the hill near the BS camp that jules mentioned. Can't remember if it's always facing a certain direction, i.e. maybe a graphical error. Using an ATI Radeon here.
If it's a specific area in a zone, it may be a corrupted texture that is causing the problem.

For some reason, I recently had a problem wherein I crashed to Desktop with a "has detected your client may have crashed" message whenever to looked in the direction of DHK in WW or walked to the northernmost part of NDHK.

Reinstalling helped in my case, but was admittedly unpleasant.
Yeah ok so Heartlands seems to work for me now. That spot has given me problems in the past too, but had issues in the zone in general as well. Well seems problem solved, spent like 4 hours there last night just fine. YAY, I can hunt in Heartlands!
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