Conking Mallet problems......

What worked for me was this: Target a Citizen of Newport. Attack the citizen and when it gets below 50% and you see the proc go off spam the belt clicky. They normaly just say a text of "What? ....." and then they stop attacking. From what I saw if you keep attacking ater you try and enslave with the collar they dont port away but rather they stay on site and keep attacking, even though they are enslaved.

Example: I got the citizen in Oggok, but I di not stop attacking it. I didnt get the normal message but I left at that point. When I arrived in Erimal the NPC had been enslaved and all was well. Just make sure you are onnly trying this on a Citizen of X, with X being the city you are in, not a named NPC but specificly a citizen of that town.

Hope this helps.

Ok thx for the tip ill try.

I have one question, due to my bad english i cant understand this, lets see.
U all talking about "a citizen of newport". Is it the same as "a newport citizen". I mean, its the same, but maybe with the first one its working, and with the second one its not?. because the ones im triying with are all "a newport citizen".

Anyway, to the developers of SoD, u doing a great job with this game. And this step of the quest, with the hammer and all, is really funny. Thx.
I honestly cant remember if it was "a citizen of newport" or "a newport citizen".

Just try them both. When the NPCs health gets below 50% and the proc goes off stop attacking and spam with the collar. You *should* get a message letting you know they were enslaved.

I just tryed the conking mallet, and became frustrated when not seeing any proc messages for the hammer or the collar. I can tell they are procing because when they proc my focus item goes off.

I beat two different newport citizens down to less than 10% hp, and one of the two ran at 20%. The collar did nothing with either of them.

I then read on here that newport was not working for some people, so I decided to try halas. I tryed three different citizens in halas, none of them ran away, and none of them had anything happen all the way down to 3% hp.

Pretty much just given up on this one, and I'm gonna do the other seekers quests, but it would be nice to know how this is supposed to work, or if it is broken or what.
I suppose it's still borken, after a kill in Oggok I managed to grab another one and tried to enslave him in the corner near the priest of Harmony (no aggro from guard there) > never worked.
After a failed try in NP due to the citizen running away (tried to chain enslave him until 18% > didn't work) , I rooted him with my necro and chain enslaved him until 5% > didn't work. Oh and yeah I'm hitting only with the mallet to avoid silly questions.
Tomorrow will be a better day I'm sure.
I'll see about changing it a bit. I need a definite list of all the cities it doesn't work in though. It should be something I can do regardless of when the patch is since the quest scripts are already implemented - it's just a matter of finding out which don't work for you.

So far we have Newport and Oggok, are the others working properly?
Oggok was the only zone that gave me issues. Every other zone worked well, other than not getting a message from the hammer procing.

Try getting them to around 30%, turning off attack, and right clicking the collar. It seems to make the citizen cast a gate spell, and after a few seconds of them standing there, they will dissapear. I never had a single problem with the quest, but I suppose I wasnt looking for the mallet to proc, I just got them low on health and leashed em.
i tried Halas and Newport today several times and i had no proc messages and chained the collar and got nothing.

A proc message would probably make it alot easier. Or if possible make it to where you beat them down to under 20% and then can right click the hammer to cause a daze then leash them possibly.
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