Conking Mallet problems......


Dalayan Beginner
I am having trouble getting this to work correctly. I have the mallet and the collar. I see the graphics for the mallet proc <blue/white lights circling the NPC's> I also see the proc for the collar when i click on it, looks like a black star coming out of the NPC. The problem is that the Citizens do not port, I've tried for 2 hours to get this to work, and cant. Please Help

I moved on from Newport, Underhill works, Oggok works, going to try Halas, maybe its just newport, i will try it again when i get halas done

i also had the mallet problem in newport. halas, oggok, and underhill all worked on first try .. i tried newport for about 5 hours spread over course of a few days and it just won't work.. i am thinking there might be a problem with newport citizens...
I've done everything known possible I can do, gotten the citizens below 50% 40% 30% 20%10% all nothing, someone told me it worked for them, even though the citizen didnt vanish. They said it wouldn't vanish, but it still worked when they went back to the quest giver. I tried that, nothing, still nothing from the quest giver. Wiz said in OOC that there was a bug, and had to get them below 50%. Liam said he did it with his character yesterday, and it worked fine. Maybe its my character, cause I've done it 3 times in 3 different towns, first try. Its only the Newport ones that it doesnt work on. Im open to other suggestions, and I'll try them. If I'm doing it wrong, thats my fault, but like I've said, all other towns it worked fine.

Ive tried a number of them, and in both zones, tried all races i could find. Like I said, I think its broken for me, unless im just missing somewthing, but the other 3 zones were cake, did them first try. Ive spent over about 8 hours doing this in the past few days. Something is wrong. Unless there is a specific citizen im missing, i havnt waked on evey one around NP,some places im KoS. Im giving up on it, quest isnt working at intended so fuck it. Ill grab another one from one of the other seekers, no biggy.

Anyone know if there are specific citizens you have to target or any citizen in the 3 towns will work?

I just finished trying for about an hour on the first citizen in Oggok, and she wont teleport for anything and Ive killed her 3 times now, poor ogre.

When I did it, the citizens would not port but I would have a message saying I enslaved a citizen, and it worked even tho they would stay there. I guess they don''t port if you interrupt their casting by melee.
Now, if you did not get the message, I don't know.
Tried again this morning in Oggok, different citizen at the zone in from who was there last night. Same result regardless.

I would hit the mob and chain spam the enslaving collar but nothing. I did not receive any message at any time, not even for a proc when they had stars over there heads.

I will try in Underhill tonight and see if that yields any different results.

All worked fine for me last week, tho I had similar problems as stated in Oggok. Was getting no proc messages at all tho I could tell it was proccing. Finnaly timed it right and got the collar on one tho.
What timing were you using to have gotten it to work if you dont mind my asking. I see it proc, the stars around the NPCs head and all, but no matter hyow many times I click on the collar nothing happened for me.

Just kept trying to collar em when I saw the mallet proc. After about an hour of trying it finnaly worked. Never did get a real proc message in Oggok tho.
Well I figured out Im just a damned noob. If you dont attack a citizen of Oggok you cant enslave a citizen ....

Sorry for wasting space on this before checking if I was doing things properly or not.

this seems to be bugged. Used the hammer and when the effect procs (It does not sow in the chat, but i see the effects) i use the belt.. but nothing happens. Already spent a lot of hours with this, and its not working...
Btw i just got KOS to Halas.. ;(
Is there anyway i can get back my faction with halas? heh i killed like 2 npcs triying this...

Only asking :)
Doubt it, I fucked up and killed a DE in Oggok while messing with this. Now my poor Iksar cant shop there and no one will talk to him lol. Hopefully theres no big quests implemented that I need there anytime soon.
Arraxin said:
Doubt it, I fucked up and killed a DE in Oggok while messing with this. Now my poor Iksar cant shop there and no one will talk to him lol. Hopefully theres no big quests implemented that I need there anytime soon.

Get yourself illusion Ogre and turn in Tal Yan heads outside of Oggok ;)

In Halas you can up your faction with the supply crates from BB, maybe other quests are available to.
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