Concealed strikes & armbands of the tranquil

It looks like it may be the same case, yes.

And a few others I'm noticing in my parser. It's split about 50/50 between those that are > 100 and < 100.

Relooking at the code, I don't think it was REALLY acting like a slow... I'll paste a couple snippets for your enjoyment.

int haste = 0;
int haset2 = 0;
if (buff[i].effect == SE_AttackSpeed) {
        int32 value = buff[i].effectMaxVal;
        if (value > 100 && value-100 > haste2)
                 haste += value-100;
if (buff[i].effect == SE_AttackSpeed2) {
        int32 value = buff[i].effectMaxVal;
        if (value > 100 && value-100 > haste2)
                 haste2 += value-100;
return (100 + haste + haste2)
Attackspeed2 is overhaste. So it's not giving you giving you anything if it's lower than 100.

But in the slow code...
int32 slow = 100;
if (buff[i].effect == SE_AttackSpeed) {
        int32 value = buff[i].effectMaxVal; 
        if (value < 100)  {
                do alot of stuff that isn't important here
return slow;
There is no statement checking for an SE_ATTACKSPEED2 here, so the over haste effect < 100 just does nothing. Nothing. DO YOU HEAR ME EYATE NOTHING! NOTHING! Your DPS gain is all in your mind, or lucky hits while the couple tick effect happens to be on!!!!!!!!!!!

All that's needed is to add 100 to overhaste effects that aren't there yet, and all is well in the world.

PS: No that's not 100% the real code, and yes parts of the base ARE that crappy and inconsistent. We have better things to do then refactor it all.
After going through my parser, other spells I've found that may be suffering from this that shouldn't be...

Gift_of_Versikol~ (CoD)
Flame_Ward~ (Stone Culler)
Mending_Flames~(That staff thing)
Heavenly_Wrath~(Barbute of Heavenly Radiance)
Attune~(Not sure)
Air_Essence_Imbue~(Not sure)
Savage_Strike_Recourse~(Wristband of Beastial Ferocity)
Melodic_Blades_Effect~(Melodic Breastplate)
Rapid_Strikes~(as mentioned)

All these, by the above posted logic, do nothing. Everything else using overhaste seems to be in the proper range.

We can thank Rari's spell parser following logic strictly, and trying to add overhaste to the mage forms for stumbling on this particular 'bug'. I found the typo in Conealing Strikes because it was the first overhaste effect I thought of to check against, and the discrepancy lead me to start looking into the code. Most of these effects just don't last long enough for most parses to be able to pick them up, or are too small to see in most cases.
i agree that something seemed fishy with the concealed strikes clicky but i feel almost certain that the heavenly wrath clciky actually did something. would have to check to be sure.
I totally fixed that one :|

The output I was looking at is over a half year old, so it's quite possible it is already.

Edit: Yup, of the spells in my original list, Savage Strike and Attune were fine. The rest were adjusted. Will be fixed when we patch next.
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