Computer Problem


Dalayan Beginner
I have no idea what caused this but...

Recently my comp decided it doesnt want to cooperate anymore. What I mean is that, one day it decided that it wants to be turned on more than once before it wants to work properly. And now my moniter stays black and the computer turns on but windows wont start up, or the CPU gets power but doesnt do anything. If anyone has an idea on what the problem could be and/or how to fix it (without buying a new comp) please let me know.
I know this is going to sound corny. But my friend had a similar experience and for starters we dusted out his case. He had quite a bit of dust in his machine, causing it to over heat and creating some of the problems you described. After we air dusted (and vacuumed it - so as to prevent the dust settling back in), his machine ran fine.

Please note though, this is just one possible cause to your problem.
Nah, i keep my box clean (insert crude jokes here). I just found out it might be a graffic card issue, i've switched out all of my various cards with varying degrees of success. I can run everything kinda fine now except that i get a No 3D Device found when i try to run SoD. Soo i dunno wtf to do now. I'm gonna play around with some different drivers and what not coz my internet is scrolling real slow and sluggish too.
That sounds heat-related to me as well (as heat is likely the problem resulting from the dust). I would suggest checking out all your fans. Power supply and processor are the most common culprits. After it crashes, touch both your power supply and the heat sink on your processor to see if they're excessively hot. Make sure your PSU fan is putting out air, and also check for a layer of dust *beneath* the fan attached to your CPU heat sink. With some heat sink/fan combos it can build up a solid but very thin layer in there and cut airflow way back. Also, if your BIOS has a system status window when you start up, check your CPU temp in that window when you get it to start back up after a crash. If not, I'd suggest downloading Motherboard Monitor and using it to keep an eye on your CPU temp. If you have bad thermal paste or have somehow lost the contact between your CPU and heat sink, you can get severe overheating without the heat sink getting hot.

Also, if you've upgraded your computer lately--new graphics card, new drives, additional expansion cards, whatever--you may be overtaxing your PSU even if it's working just fine. When I added a second hard drive and replaced a dead CD burner, it took my old PSU a bit over the edge, and I started getting random restarts. Are you running a powerful system with a crappy power supply?

Just some thoughts, hope one of them helps.
Its not heat, it was my vid card, i downgraded from my geforce 5500 256mb card to a flippin geforce2 MX400 32mb card and it works fine now. It's actually quite depressing ;(
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