Companion Strength


Dalayan Beginner
I've been told by a few people that companion strength only matters when you put the item on.

I'm tryin to verify this as I haven't found any source which says one way or the other, just "that's what I've always heard".

Any clarification?

I believe you only need it when casting your pet. Also if you zone you might need it on... second part im unsure about, its just what i've always heard.
Every time you zone you "resummon" your pet. That's how the client works. So you need your Comp Str/Health stuff on any time you summon pet or zone/refresh etc. After that you can swap the gear out.
It would kind of be more consistent with other focuses if it was only in effect when worn... but since it's been the other way forever and would kind of be a nerf, it probably won't change.

Though on the other hand changing it wouldn't be an option for Companion Health, unless it was changed to pet % damage mitigation.
It would kind of be more consistent with other focuses if it was only in effect when worn... but since it's been the other way forever and would kind of be a nerf, it probably won't change.

Though on the other hand changing it wouldn't be an option for Companion Health, unless it was changed to pet % damage mitigation.

As a mage who switches companion gear in and out, I support a "nerf"
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