CoI tarot cards

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They can be a pita, but they are all there. I remember right when the quests came out Ryutakin and I were sure one of the four wasn't dropping because we were both stuck on 3, until we realized we needed different cards
I am glad to say about 2 nights ago I finished this hell. I get that the card dropped it done by some math equation, but it still is too annoying to do.

2 full clears to maybe get one card, of that one card it might (probably will) be a duplicate of an existing card you have. It is suppose to take a week or two spending maybe four hours min a day? Ok than it is working just fine.

I see that this thread is not going to produce a change and request it be locked to end the debate.
I didn't know there was a debate. I thought this thread was about bitching about how long it took to get the cards. You of course were no exception.

Either way I agree. This thread kinda sucks.
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