CoI tarot cards

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Dalayan Adventurer
I did not know if it should go here or suggestions.

I think the tarot card drop in Crystal Caverns is too low. Have been able to clear the fort without a single tarot card. Bad luck? Maybe. Worth looking into for reexamine? Yes. :keke:
I did well over a week's worth of hours guesstimated of constant clearing on average 7 hours a night

I got 3 of 4 the very first night and i spent endless hours looking for the last one too
It took me just short of 11 clearings to get my set of tarot cards.

I wouldn't say the drop rate needs a huge increase, but it could use a little bump up.
Heh, I´ve cleared it 2 times and not a single drop.

Btw were on map are the 4 points you need to scout? Do you get an emote or something?
Btw were on map are the 4 points you need to scout? Do you get an emote or something?

Councillor Evinthas tells you where they are when you receive the quest or if you talk to him again. You get a message when you find the spot or if you return to the spot there is a message telling you that you've already studied this area.
As far as the scout locations go... search EVERYWHERE. I don't want to give out spoilers, but your approach should be kill everything that moves and walk through every square inch of that place in the process (that includes just outside the fort too :toot:).

Actually I lied... it took me 2 days. The first day I was with a group and we just sat outside the fort pulling for around an hour and a half - 2 hours. I got 1 then. Then I came back with my brother and we duo'd the whole fort (that's when I got 4 locations done and the rest of the cards). But yeah the cards were pretty rare but I think I was done in 3 clears maybe.
updated wiki other night with what councilor says for locations under the quest info, so now you can read it easier while in game.

Drop rate still seems too low if the info supplied is correct. Not a huge up in drop rate but a tad does sound correct. Maybe have it looked at to see what it is now?
I could be wrong, but I think TM will probably leave it as is. With the amount of people who have completed it, and the data he has already gotten, I doubt a few people it took longer will sway him to up the drop rates. If they are dropping at all (which they are, as stated in this thread), then he probably wants the rates to stay the same.
I have been cleaning this camp for 2 days now all the morning, got 2 tarots cards, one of them 3 times, i can duo almost all the camp before they pop again and thats lots of cleans, but prolly thats my luck on drops, i have learned to live with it...
It would be like 100% better if their plat drops weren't similar to splitpaw :p

Its designed so that you do it with friends and you don't get quite as screwed with one dropping 3 times in a row (from what I recall TM saying I believe).
What eldo said is correct. Also, I figured out the droprate using the mighty forces of mathematics and it's worked well enough so far. There's not really any chance of it changing.
What eldo said is correct. Also, I figured out the droprate using the mighty forces of mathematics and it's worked well enough so far. There's not really any chance of it changing.

I did this quest and I found that the camp was challenging while DCing, but not too challenging. Long, but not too long.

There are other COI quests that you can do that are much harder, require more people, but have nothing to do with camping stuff. It's just about working through the quest tree in the method of your choice.
Here are my findings on this....
the Countless times I have cleared the fort out and even some of the surrounding area (both with groups and Boxing) has uncovered.

5 Talon Cards
1 Dagger Card

Talking well over 20 hours in this part of the CoI quest.

So my math supports my findings.... the RNG Hates me.
Here are my findings on this....
the Countless times I have cleared the fort out and even some of the surrounding area (both with groups and Boxing) has uncovered.

5 Talon Cards
1 Dagger Card

Talking well over 20 hours in this part of the CoI quest.

So my math supports my findings.... the RNG Hates me.

That'll happen, and was specifically intended-- all cards have the same droprate so sometimes they'll stack up like that. If you were doing it with a group you wouldn't see near as many wasted drops because when the same card dropped twice you could just put it on someone else. Pretty much all of CoI rewards players working together in some way or another, even if the quest itself is DCable.
So putting in 20+ hours to get 2 cards is working as intended?

Due to Boxing at least 2 Talons were not a waste ( so really its 3 cards in 20+ hours), but that still seems like a Crap load of time for the quest drops *shrug* at least the mobs are Dark blue so xp isn't so bad... thought the cash drops in CC make Black Burrow look like a cash farm in comparison.
Thier are 4 other people I know of currently farming these cards here is our findings.

Talon= Common (only common compared to the other cards)
Dagger= Uncommon
Crown= Rare (2 guys stuck here)
Skull= Rare (2 guys stuck here)

It seems to be about every 2 clears you get 1 drop. Some times I have gotten 2 on a clear, other times gone 4+ clears with none, but its basicly averageing 2 clears per card.

Thiers no way I will believe that every card has the same chance of droping. We have all seen WWWAAAAYYYYY to many Talons followed by Dagger cards for this to be true. The fact that all 4 of us are stuck on ether Crown or Skull cards also supports this.

Is thier prehaps certain types of mobs that have better chances of droping certain cards? and in certain areas? This might explain why we are seeing these numbers. Or some magic Coding that won't let you loot a skull or crown until you have Dagger and talon :D

Now weather or not the amount of time needed to complete this is right or wrong *shrug* I know its intended to take awhile. But prehaps the cards are not droping with the same % chance that you think they are.
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