CoI Advancement

I haven't gotten any upgrade to my CoI rank yet and the priestess reacts to "I am ready". *shrug*
kois12 said:
Ok I have a major problem I cannot advance my character in the COI/MQ because I think I might have destroyed an item that had my beginners badge on it from Relig . I need this badge to hand in to him so I can advance in my rank and be able to go back to Gavin the Highseeker so I can advance to the next part in the MQ . PLEASE help me and I really don't want to start this character over hes a 65 druid with lots of money spent on spells and equipment with 33 aa's I am asking for a hole lot of assistance here if it can be done . Thank you for taking the time to read my plead:( . I was also gonna ask for maybe a suggestion of restarting the faction quest not the whole thing just faction ?

Petition and it can get reimbursed. It might take a while for someone who's able to verify your flags to answer your petition, but it can be done.

Morgh1977 said:
Yes I am hailing the one in Starfall. Nothing still =( Ive tried everything at this point.

I can check your flags to make sure but I'm betting you're just forgetting to do something. Check your journal entries.
Petition and it can get reimbursed. It might take a while for someone who's able to verify your flags to answer your petition, but it can be done.

When I have tried to petition it I got my petition suspended I don't understand your guys petition rules maybe I am just dumb who knows but I tried that route is there anyother route I can go ?
What do you mean your petition was suspended?

As an aside, I'd make sure you mention this thread and the fact you were told to petition. I know most GMs will dismiss quest petitions because they are not typically something you should petition (ie: typical GMs/non Devs do not have the ability to confirm/change quest flag settings).
What do you mean your petition was suspended?

As an aside, I'd make sure you mention this thread and the fact you were told to petition. I know most GMs will dismiss quest petitions because they are not typically something you should petition (ie: typical GMs/non Devs do not have the ability to confirm/change quest flag settings).

OK well I have finally got a petition sent in and now been wait for an hr or so , putting myself on afk cuz I need to go do some real life things so hopefully they will respond soon
I have a similar problem as Kelval. All the researchers consider me a Junior Researcher for the CoI but I missed handing in my badges and just proceeded to the next quests. When I try to hand it to them they hand it back to me. Should I just petition in hopes a Dev is on?
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