CoI Advancement


Dalayan Beginner
I was under the impression that not EVERY CoI quest needed to be completed to get the top augment, but for some reason, many folks that I have talked to that have completed fewer quests then I have, have already gotten their augment, while I am told that I am not a high enough rank yet. I have completed 16 CoI quests (even completed Mercy, which most folks haven't done), flunked 1, and not finished 2. Does this sound correct? (See attached SS... flunked To Play in the Forest, and completed Dealing with the Snobolds, but it is bugged and doesn't register as completed)

Some quests are just worth more points than others. I'm pretty sure Brother Mine Knocked me up pretty far.
Poke me in IRC if you're still having this problem and I'll check your flags manually. Nobody's ever reported a problem like this so I'm thinking it's not real likely there's a bug--it might just be something simple. Either way, I'll have a look if you haven't got the answer on your own by then.
I may as well be bugged with the CoI flags, or something.

The councillors adress me as junior researcher, but they won't take my badge to upgrade it.
Is there something I can do?


Kelval said:
The councillors adress me as junior researcher, but they won't take my badge to upgrade it.
Is there something I can do?

You forgot to turn in your Assistant's badge to get a Senior Assistant's badge. Petition it, but note that it may take a while before someone who can handle the problem sees your petition.
Thinkmeats said:
Poke me in IRC if you're still having this problem and I'll check your flags manually. Nobody's ever reported a problem like this so I'm thinking it's not real likely there's a bug--it might just be something simple. Either way, I'll have a look if you haven't got the answer on your own by then.

Poked ya all afternoon yesterday and a couple times seem to be on at hours opposite mine, and no one else seems to be able to help. I'll be on tonight (am on right now) and in IRC. Brego is the character with the faction issues.
:toot: I didn't mean timezones... Xar said you're usually on late, and I am an early riser, so don't tend to stay up very late. I'll look ya up tomorrow though.
I think I may have a similar problem.
I have completed all but mercy, mass graverobbing and Home is where the heart is.
dealing with snobols and possibly until death do us part are just bugged and don't show up in the completed section.
I failed To play in the forest.

I was wondering if I needed to complete mercy, mass graverobbing and or home is where the heart is to be promoted to council researcher?
I too was under the impression that not all of the quests were required? do I just need to do 1 more or must I finish them all ?

(This post is directed towards Angst's situation)

If I remember correctly, I think it was stated that To Play In The Forest didn't give a really large amount of faction experience, so I doubt it would make too much of a difference for the advancement to Council Researcher.

That said, my quest status when I finally made Council Researcher was:

Mercy -- Active
Home Is Where The Heart Is -- Active
Dealing With The Snobolds -- Inactive (bugged final turn-in)
All of the others -- Completed (including TPITF)

It's reasonable to think you just aren't there yet, but at least Until Death Us Do Part and Mass Graverobbing are quite a bit easier than Brother Mine.
I have a problem advancing and can not for the life of me understand why. I am ready to do Spirit Call but am not getting any new dialogs from Priestess. The other issue is Gnoll Wisdom will not close even though ive have completed all dialo with Priestess and have no more options at all?? Not sure what to do here at this point.
Morgh1977 said:
I have a problem advancing and can not for the life of me understand why. I am ready to do Spirit Call but am not getting any new dialogs from Priestess. The other issue is Gnoll Wisdom will not close even though ive have completed all dialo with Priestess and have no more options at all?? Not sure what to do here at this point.

Basically you aren't reading what the NPC's tell you to do.
I'll fill you in on that one since if you haven't read it correctly the first time, then the clue to continue is lost: tell the priestess "I am ready". It's not in your quest journal or in the dialogue options, but it's the trigger phrase.
You were right Tarutao I must have been short of coi faction by one quest I got the promotion after mass graverobbing! thanks for the help ;)
Ok I have a major problem I cannot advance my character in the COI/MQ because I think I might have destroyed an item that had my beginners badge on it from Relig . I need this badge to hand in to him so I can advance in my rank and be able to go back to Gavin the Highseeker so I can advance to the next part in the MQ . PLEASE help me and I really don't want to start this character over hes a 65 druid with lots of money spent on spells and equipment with 33 aa's I am asking for a hole lot of assistance here if it can be done . Thank you for taking the time to read my plead:( . I was also gonna ask for maybe a suggestion of restarting the faction quest not the whole thing just faction ?
"I am ready" does nothing to the priestess. Not being able to end Gnoll Wisdom in Storm Sea may be the issue but again I have no further dialogue with the priestess in order to report to the SS NPC so he will close it.
Morgh1977 said:
"I am ready" does nothing to the priestess. Not being able to end Gnoll Wisdom in Storm Sea may be the issue but again I have no further dialogue with the priestess in order to report to the SS NPC so he will close it.

What ran are you? I believe you have to obtain Junior Researcher rank before the priestess will respond.
I have that rank, priestess did respond and I did her quest involving Lord Rotfang. She rewards with a staff I am thinking might need to be equipped? If so then I kinda screwed myself by destroying said staff accidentally because I cannot find it anywhere. I tried getting another Rotfang head in hopes she might replace it but no such luck.
Morgh1977 said:
I have that rank, priestess did respond and I did her quest involving Lord Rotfang. She rewards with a staff I am thinking might need to be equipped? If so then I kinda screwed myself by destroying said staff accidentally because I cannot find it anywhere. I tried getting another Rotfang head in hopes she might replace it but no such luck.

That's not it. I never equipped mine either, and destroyed it. Hmm, after getting Junior she definetly responded to me when I re-hailed her. You're hailing the one in Lake Starfall, right?
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