character selection screen empty


Dalayan Beginner
Hi there,

My secondary account is missing it's character. I've read through the forums that a GM can fix the issue, but I haven't been able to catch a GM in game or on IRC. If someone could look into it, I'd appreciate it.

account: scecie
character: stoolhop

I had this problem before, it didn't last long and relogging always seemed to fix it.
checked again tonight and character is still missing. yesterday was the first time I'd tried to log into the account since WR went down...I've tried it on two different computers as well.
Hazzarding a guess but might the toon been anix'd due to nameing ?

Stoolhop after all I myself would tag as a naming issue.
Even if it were subject to a name nerfing, I don't think that it would delete the character from the character roster... But weirder things have happened.
I don't think so...I mean, he is a froglock. It is a good RP name for a frog (toadstool...hopping) and no GM said anything about it before. Even if his name was nerfed, gosh danget, he didn't deserve to die! ;(
Yeah this has happened to me but I just went into a different account, saw characters, exited, went into my account and my characters were there. If that helps.
I have tried Ramblers suggestion on two different computers and the account still has no character. I really think this is something that a GM is going to need to fix, if he hasn't been erased for good.
senpai said:
I don't think so...I mean, he is a froglock. It is a good RP name for a frog (toadstool...hopping) and no GM said anything about it before. Even if his name was nerfed, gosh danget, he didn't deserve to die! ;(

The name Stoolhop is a wordplay, and probably violates the naming rules. I do agree that name nerfing should not effect your character select screen.
it's possible, but that wouldn't delete my character like you said. I defend the name though. He is a Shaman and in a kind of native american tradition, should be able to use something like that. You know...Runningbear, Dances With Wolves...yadda yadda. I'm not making a big deal out of it, just getting my point of view out there. If a GM would say one way or another, that would clear this up real quick lol.
Wow dude, fucked up situation.

Not sure what to do in your case.. just keep hoping for something to change? Make a new account and petition in game? No clue.
RESOLVED...finally. Got a response from GM in game and he helped me clear up the situation...which was my own idiotic mistake. I guess the SoD login server will let you log into an account that doesn't even you could make up any name and password, and as long as the name wasn't in use you could log in without registering it. I was missing a character from the login account since I hadn't used the account from when WR was taken down. Either way, beware of that could be the cause for this happening to others who have logged into a 2nd account and then back into the other again...just people fat fingering the account. Try logging into account name blahblahblah with any password and it'll log you in no error message or anything.

Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions guys!
you are right...I tried something else and it didn't work. beats me, I got into an account that I don't remember creating then...or something. I'll stop trying to diagnose what happened now :p
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