Character names


Dalayan Beginner
So I have tried sooooooo many names its rediculous, either every single one is taken, or something is wrong... any ideas?
ok, so I tried punching in even more random letters, finally it let me, but still, any regular name just wont go through, lol. Must be a popular server?
From the other thread in the technical subforum about this exact same issue:

I will be looking into cleaning up the name filter a bit to help alleviate these sort of issues.

So the issue is being worked on. If you have any new information that hasn't been posted in this or that thread, post it there. Don't need two threads about the same thing being bumped at the same time. Also, two administrators have posted in that thread already, so if you have anything they need to see, easier for them to see it there.
From the other thread in the technical subforum about this exact same issue:

So the issue is being worked on. If you have any new information that hasn't been posted in this or that thread, post it there. Don't need two threads about the same thing being bumped at the same time. Also, two administrators have posted in that thread already, so if you have anything they need to see, easier for them to see it there.

I think Dynak's post in that thread is going on three years old, and im pretty sure we solved it at that time. If it's an issue again, its probably the same issue. Enough names get flagged, and stored in the database of bad names, and the filter gets a little... interpretive.
@Ikaa: That's what I get for reading while trying to stay awake -- didn't realize the threadomancy going on. Don't know why people ever think that's a good idea.
kool...cuz any form of a name including but not limited to "wrek" "lok" or "rek" is purely unaccepted...

but "trudat" and "Billyray" are ok -_-
Please don't soapbox about names. The only reason those other names still exist is because they haven't been caught yet. If you don't like it, petition something like "_____ needs a nameflag" and it will call the name to a GMs attention.
I wasn't soapboxing, I was agreeing with this thread. I was stating that last night I was trying to make a name and after exhausting 10+ names i typed in billyray and trudat and both were accepted. those weren't people who need a name flag...those were names I half*** typed in after getting irritated I couldn't get by with a fictional name...

anyway, hope it gets fixed and blah blah blah happiness and sunshine

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