Cant get past EULA screen


Dalayan Beginner
I get to the EULA screen and I cant click on anything, my mouse pointer disapears when I get anywhere near the EULA window. In addition I see flashes of other things in the background. Like it's some kind of video problem. I have the latest video drivers. EQ 2 runs fine as does CIV IV and all of my other games. Im trying to log in for the very first time and I followed the get started instructions to the letter. Any help would be... er helpful.
Having the same problem here, NVIDIA GEFORCE4 4200 TI, New drivers, New direct x. fooling around with it with no luck.
I had that problem. I reloaded several times and alt-enter to get out of full screen mode. I've had this happen in live as well. What I eventually associated it with, was several programs open in the background while loading in full screen. Once I got it to load in windowed, it works fine, even when I maximize the screen again.

So, close all other windows, not the programs and try to alt enter it into windowed mode.
There have been a ton of posts about this. I can't remember the solution, but try searching the forum and find it.
I repatched it, but it still messed up on the EULA screen. I'll try again but I doubt it will work. Are there any other fixes to this problem?
Same problem. I updated my cards, direct X, repatched, tried Alt Entering into Windows before clicking, nothing is working for me. Any other tips?
I went to advaned and click the eqw box and it works fine now, but now it runs eqlive. How do i get it to work right?
Ok i got SoD running now, but when I launch the SoD server i get a pop up that says, "eqgame.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." And i have to close the program. Anyone know how to fix this? Also when i try to go to chat it says, "The chat is too congested, please try again later." All help is appreciated.
The "Eqgame.exe has encountered a problem" message is semi-normal, and usually if it happens, it happens 2 or 3 times, and the 3rd or 4th time works for me. Just keep at it!

And the chat thing is just simply that the SoD chat is an IRC channel, linked to on the page, it doesn't interface to the EQ client; as far as I know.
I'm not sure how i got there. I was just messing around with repatch and running it. Ill give trying it like 10 times a go, and ill repost whether it works or not.

Quick question, when you load SoD what does the screen look like? Old school eq or the newest version?
Rodolfo said:
Quick question, when you load SoD what does the screen look like? Old school eq or the newest version?

Good Question, mine which doesn't work is Newest Version style, my brother's whose does work is old school... Anyone able to help?
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