Can't get .Net to install.. so can't patch and play


Dalayan Beginner
working my way through troubleshooting this.. getting errors.. working through the error lists for them.. been 2 hours and no progress...

I really really hate Microsoft... and regret not being able to get ingame... I have really loved playing this past couple weeks...

so.. bye for now.. hopefully not forever...
on the microsoft website :

there are 2 d/ls for the .NET Framework 1.1

I beileve one is a 108 MB and one that is a 23MB one.

You have to d/l and run the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Redistributable

(this is the 23MB one)

this file as stated on the Microsoft Web Page: "You must install the .NET Framework Redistributable Package version 1.1 prior to installing the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK version 1.1."

now i'm not sure if this will fix your problem but for what I read this may

fix it
I recall when I installed my .Net, it was through their Windows Update page (Note: The link is strictly an IE page). From there it tells you all the hotfixes that are needed, plus any other additional files you can download through the updater. Something to consider trying.
yea.. did the first .... still no good... and I have been doing auto updates for months.. today's check showed I was up on everything I need.. using XP... still working on it... *chuckle*
.Net is in the Optional components when using the Windows Update Site..

When you first open the site select the Custom and then on the left after the scan select optional windows comp...

Auto updates only grab the security updates ..
Ok.. won't work.. fails to load during custom update via windows update .. and when I try the linked download.. .I get 4 or 5 "Internal Error" 2908's and 1 "Error during assemby microsoft.VisualC..." #1935. Giving up for now.. gonna go get some food. Ok... I understand I can manually load the required files to get the game up and going again? Will read up on that when I get back. Getting the can't use w/o .net on the new patcher.. and username not working etc on the old... email ... *chuckle* thanks for the help guys...
*laughs till she cries*
Ok... tried to go to the files to get them manually... but when I try to do my username and password.. it doesn't accept it... tried game account info.. no good, re-registered and entered username and password from email confirmation.. still no go... just blinks and comes back at me blank.
ok... my update...
got .Net installed finally... but when I try to run patcher I get the error that the "Application has generated an exception tht could not be handled".. I also downloaded the files from the files section into my EQ folder...

Now for the stupid question... since neither patcher works for me.. and I should have the correct files how do I get ingame? *chuckle* sorry if I sound like a total idiot, I am usually more computer savy than this, but I have never had any programming classes.. I am just a computer user...

PS... I miss my DE Cleric :(
OK.. not sure what I did.. been playing with files while I talked to my daughter on the phone.. installed Visual Studio then the new beta .NET... messed with files in the directories... but the patcher is running AS I TYPE!!!.. /dance
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