Bugged Jayla Aug quest step


Staff Emeritus
I turned in 2 items on Kestrella(char) to Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia in Oggok for part of my Jayla aug quest and followed dialogue but failed the encounter. I got a group together and went back to retry the event but before I could /cm d she attacked a party member who was kos to her.

The script ended correctly but she did not give me/drop the item I need to continue the quest and does not respond to my hails at all. Tao reset her but she still will not respond to me even though she responds to others who hail her.

Tried to recollect the items but I cannot. Checked my journal log and it says that I have the item and this part is complete. I tried hailing Jayla but she will not talk to me except to ask for the item.
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I wasn't sure if I should list specifics for this quest. I copied information for the part I was trying to complete from the wiki below. I do have my logs of the encounter if anyone wants to see those as well.

Gather and give to Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia:

* (Unknown) scimitar
* (Unknown) remains

Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia smiles at you as you give her the creature's remains. You see she is burning her research journal. 'Oh, you are so strong! And follow directions well! Master wants to speak with you! He does! You will be important moving forward! Far more important than me.'

You gain 50000 experience!!
You say, 'Nia. Who is the Master. What does he want?'
Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia says, 'You are not worthy of knowing! I... I'm so cold... help me Jeskeal... I'm... kill... me... you... kill you! You aren't worthy!'
You say, 'I'm sorry Nia. I'll carry on with this without you.'
Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia shouts, 'Kill! For my Master! You will suffer!'

Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia attacks. Defeat her and loot the Burn Damaged Journal.

I turned in the scimitar and the remains but failed the first battle with her. I hadn't looked up the quest on the wiki before this so I didn't realize the guards would help me kill her. When I came back with a group to help me I was able to hail her and start over, but she attacked a group member before I could choose one of the options after hailing her.. we killed her and got the ended script. She did not drop the journal and when she respawned would no longer respond to hails from me, even when she was reset.

From my log file
Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia cackles right until the life leaves her body...
[Fri Feb 04 21:17:30 2011] Apprentice Lorekeeper Nia has been slain by !
[Fri Feb 04 21:17:30 2011] Your journal has been updated. [The High Price of Knowledge]

I was told to post here because it had to be fixed by a dev and not a gm. I don't mind if I have to recollect the items but I tried respawning the shadow in sundered mtns and nothing appeared. The scimitar I can get again if I need to.
Just curious if any Dev has read or looked into this yet for me? I've been waiting for over a month and a half for a response. I realize you guys are very busy but I would really like to work on my deity quest.
I'll look into this, this afternoon. Should be a simple fix, and sorry for the delay in getting you an official response. Somehow this thread just escaped my notice.
Hate to keep bumping my thread but hoping someone will take another peak at this - it's been 7 months now and still no word on if I can get the book or be reset to the previous part of this quest? I really don't mind redoing the previous step - I'd just really like to work on my deity aug/quest.
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