Bug report feedback?


Dalayan Elder
Not sure if this is the appropriate forum to post this...
But I filed a "/bug" in game for an event that was repeatedly crashing a zone. I confirmed with a GM via petition that the issue was made known.

Is there any followup to the bug report? It's not appealing to clear all the way to the event just to have it crash again. Wondering what the protocol for this is.
Last I heard, someone was considering rewriting the entire encounter in lua to fix the issue. That's a bit more difficult than it sounds. I haven't heard if they've finished that task or otherwise handled the issue.

There aren't official responses to bug reports in general. Big ones usually make it in the patch notes. That said, most bug reports are "Cloth Pants are wearable in HEAD slot" or spelling/grammar errors or just insults without any bug reported. For those, it's not usually appropriate to hunt down the person that made the report to discuss it with them.
I have come to understand it has been fixed and didn't need a rewrite. Things should be much better now!
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