Brother Sortel [A Struggling Society]


Dalayan Elder
Brother Sortel has been rather unresponsive to me recently. After I completed the caretaker round of quests and Caretaker Darima said that Brother Sortel wanted to speak with me again. At this point, my journal entry showed:

[A Struggling Society]
It appears that Brother Sortel has need of me again. I should find him as soon as possible.

But when hailed, he would only reply:

I'm sorry Enasc! I'm in the middle of a meeting right now, talk to me later.

I got around this by entering the next [d1] text, and was able to progress through the revenge on the giants. However, with that stage done I must return to Brother Sortel to finish the quest.

Journal text:
[A Struggling Society]
Azzyk is satisfied with the outcome. Hopefully his scouts can rest in peace. He suggested that I speak with Brother Sortel again at this point, as he no longer needs my services.

But Brother Sortel only responds "I'm sorry Enasc! I'm in the middle of a meeting right now, talk to me later." again. This being the end of that quest line, I'm not sure if there's a way for me to continue.

Is he bugged? I've spoken to someone else at the same point in the quest and he's receiving the same responses (or lack thereof) from Brother Sortel. If anyone has any tips or advice, please let me know.
Saw a Zone connect: Dreadlands and decided to check it out. Brother Sortel is now much happier and responds appropriately to hails.


I suppose this can be deleted or fade with time.
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