Blowing up the statues


Dalayan Beginner
I was just tyring to do the quest where you blow up the statues/idols in kael. Now I thought when you blew one up they were supposed to drop a nameplate but nothing did... Does anyone know if this quest is bugged or what's the deal?
I'm trying to figure out why the nameplates aren't dropping for you. People have completed the quest before and the statues spawn with their loot correctly, so if you can give any info on what was going on when the statue was destroyed, it would be a huge help.

Did you have any other mobs aggro? Were mobs attacking the statue? etc.
Sorry I haven't been able to post lately, was leaving college and went on a fishing trip with my dad so I've been a little busy. Anyways, I place the explosives on the statue, and from there I try to loot the corpse of the statue and there's nothing there. Didn't try it on multiple statues as I didn't have time but I will try again and see if it happens.
I have also posted about this.....I have tried on 3 different statues. Sometimes when you place the exsplosives a giant spawns. Ive killed the giant, and placed another charge. Everytime the statue dies I loot the corpse, and there is nothing on it. Ive blown up the two status by the bank, and also the one up by the arena. I have yet to get a name plate to drop. Also, I am Amiably faction with the dragons, and max scowl with giants. I remember talking to the dragon that gave the quest, it said something to the effect that made me think you needed another component to blow up the statues. Maybe the blasting powder you can get from the giants in fae woods? Or does the exsplosives alone do the trick? also, what does the quest give? Ive yet to find anyone that has completed it, I dont want a walkthrough, just an idea of what might be the final reward.

aka Karigan
Little help.

I did this quest a long time ago, so my help may not be relevant. However, when i did it, i found myself wasting a lot of explosives to the spawning giants.

Basically, i had a 65 bard kite around the guards that spawned, and i blew them up while the guards were busy.

This may not work anymore, and it may not be the intended way to finish the quest, but it did work at one time.

BTW. These giant quests need their results tweaked up a little, considering the difficulty to do them now, the rewards seem to be lacking... In particular Mrrisala the Ancient's quest... It's TOUGH now.
Re: Little help.

Riesen said:
BTW. These giant quests need their results tweaked up a little, considering the difficulty to do them now, the rewards seem to be lacking... In particular Mrrisala the Ancient's quest... It's TOUGH now.

You mean the one where you have to kill Mrrisala? Yes, it's quite a bit harder; however the end reward for that quest is amazing, so I don't think it's unbalanced.
Oh. no

No, not the one where you have to kill mrissala. If you have good black devil faction (aka mrissalla) you can do a quest where she asks for the cloak made from the pelt of her mate, the heart of the giant who killed her mate, and the sword of the accomplace. All 3 mobs who drop the required parts were beefed up in the North overhaul, however, the rewards AFAIK were not. One is a cleric dblue at 65, with 3 friends, casts cheal, and hits for 250ish (nothing crazy) other is a SK/necro weird hybrid, also dblue at 65, casts a 450 dmg lfietap CONSTANTLY, hits for 350+ etc etc. Last is kind of a pansy, so no complaitns there. Rewards are some chump bard ench range item, a pair of 10 ac 7 int gloves, and a HALF decent hammer (only good reward imo). But still, they were negotiably worth the effort back when vazan was soloable, and hit for 200ish. It's ridiculous now, any 65 trio who can kill a VE tmap can get better loots than a quest that requires an entire group of 60+.

I didn't mean to deviate from the topic, move this if you feel it should be moved, but the point i was trying to make, these items need to be re-evaluated with the level change in the required mobs kept in mind.
I increased the chance to successfully blow up the statue. It should result in fewer explosives being lost.
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