Bit of a problem with the MQ


Dalayan Beginner
Well... I have a bit of a problem, :what: :what:
Read on the Wiki the other day that as of 5/22/07 the MQ part 2 exp goes over one level. :haw:
Soooo... getting a brilliant idea to level my druid with the 200,000 exp i decided to complete the quest. :eek:

Upon turnin in the quest i got the message "You have gained 200,000 experience" :dance:

Ding 12.... from level 11... :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: :dumb:

I think i lost about 185,000 exp from that deal! :dance: Hooray!

The druid is Scopes, a level 12 Wood-Elf.. and the proof ...

And if thats not readable -->

Is there any way to get that lost experience? or am I just screwed for following misleading information? :eek:

Any other proof needed can an will be displayed if necesary.
1 - The Wiki is not a valid source of game information when arguing bugs.
2 - Kirin is Correct. You get 200k exp OR one level, whichever is least. You cannot gain more than one level from that quest, and that is not a bug: it's intended.
It used to be that if you got quest exp that would ding you more than a level, you got a level...then after you killed something else for exp it dumped more quest exp until you dinged. If more was left in the pool of exp still, when you killed another exp mob it would give you more until it ran out or you dinged again.
Allielyn said:
1 - The Wiki is not a valid source of game information when arguing bugs.
2 - Kirin is Correct. You get 200k exp OR one level, whichever is least. You cannot gain more than one level from that quest, and that is not a bug: it's intended.

2 - Yes you can. You can get more than one level from experience.
How do you know you missed any? 11-12 is a lot more than 15000 exp...
Did Ring / Paw turn ins for up to level 11 ( and a half ) averaged 2 turn ins a level. thats 7500 ea. turn in for the rings. so around 14000 exp for level 10 - 11. Then got a level from the MQ... (12) so.. thinking that the level exp steadily increases thought i would get in 20k or so exp, which is still only 1/10th of what that part gives. :(
Wiz said:
2 - Yes you can. You can get more than one level from experience.

Oh! Sorry for spreading around misinformation, clearly I'm wrong. But in my recent experience doing the MQ at level 7, I only got exactly one level - though I got a clear 200k message. I can only presume that for this particular quest it's only supposed to give you one level, and caps out if 200k ends up giving you more.
Those were my findings as well, the MQ will not give you more then 1 level or it gives you the 200k. Though if wiz says otherwise, then thers only a few options left.

1. I'm just wrong
2. Wiz is right, but its buged
3. None of us know what the heck we are talking about.

I think its safeest to vote for 2. I have noticed certain xp bugs with some toons. Like my Beastlord Cannot gain a level while in Adv Band unless he zones. However zoneing will only give him the level it will not award any left over xp he should have gotten. (I have to break Adv Band with him every once in awhile just so he can catch back up in xp to the others. At one point he was 1 orange bar behind (When I forget to check how close to leveling he is so I can zone to update)
To test this last night I dumped all exp to AA at level 52 on my wood elf ranger. I had 0% exp in AA...I completed that quest and I got 1 AA...and no exp over top of that. :-/

Is 1 AA 200k exp at 52?
Apologies to Rendian, as I'm the one who edited in the wiki entry reflecting Wiz's comments from /guild. When I did this on my monk a month or so ago it took him from 30 to 31 (I was one yellow into 30 and the hail resulted in exactly one yellow into 31). This weekend, when completing part 4 of MQ, 125k (might've been 100 or 150, but I'm pretty sure it was 125k) the experience took him from a fresh ding in 51 (1-1.5 blue tick to almost 4/5 towards 52).

So as another data point, if 51 to 51.75 is 125k, I'm guessing 200k at 30 should've been more than a single level. Not looking for xp reimbursement, but per the other posts here, it does seem to be bugged.

Sorry again for anyone that lost out on xp due to the update to wiki. Making a edit to the page right now to reflect status of this forum post.
hoochathome said:
This weekend, when completing part 4 of MQ, 125k (might've been 100 or 150, but I'm pretty sure it was 125k) the experience took him from a fresh ding in 51 (1-1.5 blue tick to almost 4/5 towards 52).

Yeah I thought that 200k should have been more than a single AA for me at 52. :(
If I use this on level 60, will it even level me, or will it just give me a partial level? Does anyone know if this is fixed now and the extra xp will "spill" over?


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