bad username, and password... yes i know.


Dalayan Beginner
yes i know about this, but the site is back up, and im still getting this, does this have something to do with eqemul site, or wr log site is not updated, i read all of the stickys, and i saw what it said about it, but those where kind of old topics, and i was just wondering, plz dont flame me, i just really want to check out wr, i have heard great things abou tit.
WR still has it directed to go to the backup database. so till they reroute it back to regular. we cant play.
in other words the people who really need the levels arent able to while all the 50+ still get to lol. dam that sucks=)
ive actually been curious how hard it is myself. cuz i know id really like to get my name on that backup.. i waited 3-4 months to play for a week. then have to wait to play again=( its a real bummer.
I was at EQEmu's forums and they say it is a WR issue (Rogean said that I believe) and here a lot say it's an EQEMu thing so jumping back and forth for a dead-on answer was annoying but I got it figured out.

If it's really all that hard then they shouldn't be jumping all over this while they have the chance? Lol I always get th ebad luck, finally decide to go play EQ Emulator and all this happens :)

Maybe if I put as much effort into joining last time as iI have been doing now. :) I prolly woulda been sick of EQ rather than going nuts waiting for it :D
so whens it gonna be up again? ive got 2 RL friends who also wanna join in and we wanna get started on it asap, and besides i really miss my EQ T_T
dont ask eta. as i told you on MSN. its whenever they feel like getting around to it. as they are the ones who do the work and we get free play. we need to be patient. and not nag about how long till its fixed.
Guild Wars is on the closed beta weekend event thingy right now. If you can find any way to get a key you should consider playing that ^^

I hate myself for not joinign during E3 for Alpha Status account but at least i've got Beta Access.

It's gonna be free and there will be professionals working to keep the game great so no need for an emulator either :D
I see nothing wrong with asking. Basically for the last week, its been "This is eqemus fault don't ask about it here" , then when eqemu goes up, and we ask over there, we get "This is a WR problem, don't bother us with it"

Its not like theres an ETA on it. People were screaming "ITS AN EQEMU ISSUE" in every thread last week, so I see no reason not to want to stay informed.

I'm as greatful to wiz and the others for this project as you are, but I don't think you should chime in that we shouldn't be asking for a status update in every thread I see. Its not like we're blatantly ignoring them. A simple explanation of the situation would go a long way, so we wouldnt be chasing false leads everywhere. (for example, when eqemu went up, I was very confused since everyone was saying it was eqemus fault.)

On that note, wiz posted this on the eqemu forums. on the 16th

"Main loginserver keeps stubbornly being down, so there isn't really much we can do about that.

We're gonna switch over to a loginserver of our own within the next few days, should fix it for everyone."

Thats all I wanted to hear ^_^
i got tired of reading ur post. but what i read here is what i have to say. it was a eqemu problem that WR used a small fix for it. making it WR's problem as soon as eqemu was fixed. soon it will be back on the regular login database so it will all be fine. now the way i look at it is, i think its eqemu's fault because had they not gone down so much/long then WR wouldnt have had to use the backup.
but seeing how this is all free. i dont complain. i just play. and enjoy. when its down. i play other games.
i agree on a few points on each of your posts, 1 its free thus i should be patient, 2 playing the blame game is annoying but us newbs need to keep informed and done know where to go at first. i was just asking for some sorta time frame cause i wanna start a char as soon as i can but dont wanna log off WoW every hour to check, or sit at my computer 24/7 either, or at least more than i have to. i know wiz said itll be back up in a few days, and that he isnt getting paid to work on it, but by saying that he did kinda make a promise to us, and i personally dont like it when people break promises whether they gain anything or not its still a promise. not saying hes broken his promise yet, its been a few days and id gladly wait a few more, but the sooner its up the better ^^
Tolain said:
Talamr said:
i got tired of reading ur post.

Yeah, I could see how the whole 30 seconds it takes to read it would tucker you out. :roll:

yes it did. now figure in the time it takes me to check about 15-20 messages that size? i do check other things.

satinka, from what i heard you can try to create an account. i think i heard something about a few problems but go ahead and try and if it fails post back here.
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