I see nothing wrong with asking. Basically for the last week, its been "This is eqemus fault don't ask about it here" , then when eqemu goes up, and we ask over there, we get "This is a WR problem, don't bother us with it"
Its not like theres an ETA on it. People were screaming "ITS AN EQEMU ISSUE" in every thread last week, so I see no reason not to want to stay informed.
I'm as greatful to wiz and the others for this project as you are, but I don't think you should chime in that we shouldn't be asking for a status update in every thread I see. Its not like we're blatantly ignoring them. A simple explanation of the situation would go a long way, so we wouldnt be chasing false leads everywhere. (for example, when eqemu went up, I was very confused since everyone was saying it was eqemus fault.)
On that note, wiz posted this on the eqemu forums. on the 16th
"Main loginserver keeps stubbornly being down, so there isn't really much we can do about that.
We're gonna switch over to a loginserver of our own within the next few days, should fix it for everyone."
Thats all I wanted to hear ^_^