These have been broken since around Halloween '09, if I recall correctly. (I always had my suspicions that it had something to do with the developers getting worn illusions to work on all those masks....) Anyway, is there a way to fix old model animations? At least client-side? I thought maybe pulling the appropriate file(s) from either a vanilla Titanium install or my P99 directory might work, but I don't have a clue which files even handle animations, let alone if this method would prove fruitful.
The following animations are broken for the original twelve races using pre-Luclin models (FRG IKS VAH are unaffected):
Am I missing anything?
The following animations are broken for the original twelve races using pre-Luclin models (FRG IKS VAH are unaffected):
-/dance, /duck, /shiver, and nearly all other animated emotes show no animation whatsoever.
-Idling animations. When a character is idle for a certain amount of time, s/he is meant to look around and then drop his/her arms, but after looking around, a character in SoD still keeps his/her arms up.
-Sitting animations. Characters no longer sway/fidget when sitting. Once the character gets into the sitting position, the model simply locks up and holds perfectly still until the player leaves the sitting position. This is especially odd-looking for female Gnomes, Dwarves, and Halflings, who now no longer let down their arms or held items upon sitting, so their swords, wands, etc. stand straight up.
-Unaffected are /cry, /frown, /mourn, /bye, /wave, /cheer, /roar, /bird, /finger, /flipoff, /rude and possibly a few others.
-Idling animations. When a character is idle for a certain amount of time, s/he is meant to look around and then drop his/her arms, but after looking around, a character in SoD still keeps his/her arms up.
-Females using the Human animation set (HUM BAR ERU ELF HIE DEF HEF) never did drop their arms, even on Live, for whatever reason.
-Sitting animations. Characters no longer sway/fidget when sitting. Once the character gets into the sitting position, the model simply locks up and holds perfectly still until the player leaves the sitting position. This is especially odd-looking for female Gnomes, Dwarves, and Halflings, who now no longer let down their arms or held items upon sitting, so their swords, wands, etc. stand straight up.
Am I missing anything?
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