Affinity like issue


Dalayan Elder
So I just built a new gaming rig, anyway i bind cores and it still acts like i didn't. I have no idea whats going on, would be cool to fix. If anyone's got any insight.

AMD FX 6100 6-Core 4.5Ghz
8GB DDR3 1866Mhz Ram
AMD 970 Chipset
Geforce GTX 750 Ti
When you say it acts like it doesn't bind, what is "it" and can you be more specific about how "it" acts?

I'm asking because some of the many things I can think of you meaning is:
1. Once you bind core, you then reopen task manager and affinity is not bound. - I would ask if you are performing actions as the admin.
2. The game is being played in windowed mode and acts funny? - Choppy, laggy, artifact issues?

On new rigs, my first move is to check the drivers I have installed for video, MB, and chipset. 9 times out of ten it is a video driver issue, or I have a setting jagged up in the video card settings.
I mean acts like it has no affinity set even tho it is and has been checked, all of my drivers are up to date. UAC is off, Logged in as Admin.

only thing i think it could be is i've got this thing overclocked.

CPU 3.5. to 4.5 @ 1.4V
Memory from 1333 to 1866 @ 1.6v
GPU 1020Mhz to 1250(Core) 1250Mhz to 1550(Memory clock)
NorthBridge from 2000Mhz to 2.2Mhz @ 1.2v

I guess I could try running it not in eqw but then that kinda defeats the purpose of playing sod on this machine, worst comes to worse ill just keep playing on my laptop i just find it extremely weird that SoD won't run on this rig. Is anyone else with a OCed rig having this issue?
Ive checked around in the GPU setting turned off multiple core support, no effect, checked other settings no effect, "Turbo mode" is disable globally, CPU and GPU clock are set to a stable value and never change. I thought that could be it, the power saving / overclocking things AMD comes with all been checked and are turned off its all in manual control and nothing changes its a static environment.
Update, I ran eqgame.exe alone and set affinity manualy, works fine, run with sod patcher super speed, run with sod patcher no eqw still super speed, run eqw all by itself no patcher no super speed. It has something to do with the patcher.
It could be something funky with the affinity binding code I suppose. Biggest problem is I am not able to reproduce it, so I'd kind of be looking at it blindly.
It could be something funky with the affinity binding code I suppose. Biggest problem is I am not able to reproduce it, so I'd kind of be looking at it blindly.
Just an FYI, Gegen was running SoD for a long time on my old first gen AMD dual cores. As far as I know, he never had issues with the multicore processing. I'm getting at the fact that it might be hard to reproduce the issue... (I did have issues on live, at one point when using the same PC.)
is there some kinda log or something i could do to provide you with the info you need? Its saying its bound in the task manager when using the patcher but clearly it is not.
I'm running an I5 4670 on an asus z87 pro board and 8 gig of gskills ripjaws 1600mhz (1866 doesn't really do anything except bench testing) and didn't have any issues just bound affinity to core 2 logged in, OS is windows 7 64
I'm running an I5 4670 on an asus z87 pro board and 8 gig of gskills ripjaws 1600mhz (1866 doesn't really do anything except bench testing) and didn't have any issues just bound affinity to core 2 logged in, OS is windows 7 64
try setting it to 1866 setting the voltage to 1.60v and the timings to "T1 or N1 8-10-9-27" and compare benchmarks there is a noticeable gain
try setting it to 1866 setting the voltage to 1.60v and the timings to "T1 or N1 8-10-9-27" and compare benchmarks there is a noticeable gain

oh for sure on benchmarks, I was checking all that before I got this set. I was debating on the ripjaws that were already 1866 but pretty much every bit of info I could find was saying that the extra speed would only be noticed on CAD or benchmark testing and would never really notice a difference in real world perforamance unless doing ram heavy CAD work.

Haven't really done any OC work on this build LOL could though, z-87 pro MOBO, ripjaws x ram, I5 4670, sea sonic X series 750 watt psu, 6 case fans and CM hyper evo 212 cpu cooler. still using my old vid card because I'm waiting on the 20nm nvidia cards and then was thinking of either 870 or 880.
Didn't work to solve this issue

It was a side note.....

Honestly I don't know what your issue is. Because when I start SoD from the .bat file, and it selects the affinity on its own. I don't have to manually select it like you through Task Manager.

Try running the patcher in compatibility mode?
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It was a side note.....

Honestly I don't know what your issue is. Because when I start SoD from the .bat file, and it selects the affinity on its own. I don't have to manually select it like you through Task Manager.

Try running the patcher in compatibility mode?
I don't think you understood me correctly, The patcher does bind it and i can see it in the task manager but its not actually happening, and only when i open the game manualy without the patcher and set my affinity does it work, but as of the last time i loaded in that didn't even work so idk whats going on.
I don't think you understood me correctly, The patcher does bind it and i can see it in the task manager but its not actually happening, and only when i open the game manualy without the patcher and set my affinity does it work, but as of the last time i loaded in that didn't even work so idk whats going on.

You are absolutely correct. I didn't understand what you said at all. I thought you were saying you were trying to manually assign the affinity when it already does it for you. Thanks for spelling it out, again.

So did you try compatibility mode? Off the top of my head...and I've been in IT for 17 years now, I really can't think of why the patcher assigns affinity and you see it, and it doesn't actually work. I'm assuming that you mean your game is running really fast. You can run/cast fast and monsters hit faster.... (multiple core usage) In my opinion, the issue is the application NOT working as it should. That isn't a hardware or OS related issue. That is a programming issue....and what I mean is; Others are not necessarily having the issue, but something with your install or flaw in a file or 2 or 25.

Sorry man, but the only thing I have for your this instant is, try reinstalling and patching again. Make sure you comb your registry and kill any Everquest or SOE related stuff that ties in with EQ. Make sure to also clear out your Default and User Profiles of configuration info regarding EQ.
when you installed what install did you use? when I built this PC instead of using my old platinum edition i went to and downloaded and patched on SoE's site then loaded the SoD patcher in.
Ive had a copy of titanium sitting around forever, anyway I think i finaly narrowed it down, its my motherboard not being ok with how high i had my cpu clock speed setup, something to do with AMDs special hyperthreading tech or something, i pushed the cpu clock up to 4.5 but the HT clock needs to be about half that for it to function properly, unfortunately this motherboard does not support overclocking that up any further than it is, limiting me to 4.2Ghz for now, next thing i upgrade is this motherboard its ok but its way to basic i need me some bells and whistles.

-On that note tho this issue forced me to read up a shit load on AMD and whatnot i lost a few CPU cycles due to dropping it from 4.5 to 4.2 but I got my FSB up to 2400 and my HT up to 2400 that ware both running at 2100, gained alot with my memory and multi threaded stuff. I was also able to drop the voltages down a lil bit so i guess less temps but i've seen people push these CPUs to 5Ghz on stock heatsinks and ive got an aftermarket one, uggh i don't like this mobo. it was a hardware issue....or user issue depending on the angle you look at this. ha! Anyway, that threw me off. Good to know....

GL on OCing and getting that extra 1-3% performance increase. I personally never understood why people did that. The headache like this one isn't worth it, and there are many other issues that can occur from it. To each his own...
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