Ive had a copy of titanium sitting around forever, anyway I think i finaly narrowed it down, its my motherboard not being ok with how high i had my cpu clock speed setup, something to do with AMDs special hyperthreading tech or something, i pushed the cpu clock up to 4.5 but the HT clock needs to be about half that for it to function properly, unfortunately this motherboard does not support overclocking that up any further than it is, limiting me to 4.2Ghz for now, next thing i upgrade is this motherboard its ok but its way to basic i need me some bells and whistles.
-On that note tho this issue forced me to read up a shit load on AMD and whatnot i lost a few CPU cycles due to dropping it from 4.5 to 4.2 but I got my FSB up to 2400 and my HT up to 2400 that ware both running at 2100, gained alot with my memory and multi threaded stuff. I was also able to drop the voltages down a lil bit so i guess less temps but i've seen people push these CPUs to 5Ghz on stock heatsinks and ive got an aftermarket one, uggh i don't like this mobo.