Account Management Problem

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Dalayan Beginner
So I have a problem. I've created about 3-6 accounts all just a character apart, easy to remember. I've used the same email for all the accounts. After getting my characters in their 50's, I've forgotten what the original email is completely, some crappy third party free email website. Mind you I created this email solely for SoD. How can I migrate these multiple accounts to my more reliable gmail account without having the option available in Account Management?

I searched the forums and found this thread:
It is the closest if not the same situation I am in. In this post, crunchy says if your characters are below 20, I'd be better off creating a new account using the correct email. My characters (3 of them) are in their 50's and I definately don't want to create new characters! 0(>_<)0

I'm st00pid, I know, spare some smarts and help me out! I can still play, I just can't add a secondary email without knowing the original one.
You can request to have a PoA e-mail address set for those accounts. This would be done via an e-mail to me at [email protected]

There is a caveat, though. You have to prove ownership of those accounts. Your immediate question should be "How do I do that?", but I don't have an answer for that question. If you come up with an answer, put it in your e-mail to request a manual PoA change.
Hey taru, it's been more than a month and I haven't received any response, not even a confirmation that the first email was received. This leads me to two possible conclusions, either that you don't care or that you are really busy with whatever you do (I'm sure it's a range of things). But can you tell me if you are able to help me or if my first email was even received so I can continue waiting for a response? I sent my email to [email protected] with subject reading "manual PoA change".

Maybe this is a taboo question, I'm not sure, but are you more inclined to help donors?

(I really don't know what to think of the situation... Fill me in)
As a side note, perhaps you could just email or PM me the PoA email address associated with my accounts so I can login and change it myself. As I said initially, I just don't remember the email I used and there is no way of reviewing that info once it is put into the system.
Situation resolved. Topic locked. In the future, if a week passes without even a "Your situation is still under consideration" reply, re-email.
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