Account Drive!

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I recruited a couple of my RL friends to the game one made a toon named Daywalker recently and the other is soon to make an account. we all played on live servers way back in the day.

Also posted a link to the SoD homepage in my facebook profile status for all my friends to see.
We are ideologically opposed to having donations = material in game benefits. That is why our donation items are fun and interesting and not powerful.

If we ever got into the financial position where we would have to start giving out stats for cash we would seriously consider calling it a day. Luckily we have never even gotten close to that.

I'm quoting this in all my promotional threads/posts and citing your position for reference.
Vlosdisto's Addition to drive

Friendly neighborhood Enchanter on the Account Drive scene!!

I found forum which is largely oldschool RP discussion but they just opened up a Video game section. I figured that those who would enjoy Dalaya the most are the old timers who remember the beauty of the EQ live experiance.

I wrote up a couple paragraphs on my own experiances here in SOD and encouraged the RP faithfull to give it a shot. Here's hoping some of the table toppers will trade in thier 20 sideds for a Shards toon :)

Dalaya's Most Lawful Chaotically Aligned Caster
Additional work

Despite how my writeup didn't fall in the spam guidelines outlined in's forum agreement my post got flagged prematurely. :( So as to spread the word I've sent out a blog and bulletine to my Myspace following, so as to spread the word without the fear of forum admins wiping my work.
Here's the links to the two new promo peices.

Myspace Bulletine:

Myspace Blog:

Dalaya's Most Lawful Chaotically Aligned Caster

So my post got taken down due to forum rules apparently...

However I did get a private message from one individual who is asking me specifically how to get started. I will take screenshots of our conversation and post it as proof.

In addition to the private message i got, there were several people who within minutes of my posting on said they loved the youtube page and would check out the game.

Hope this helps!

- Jeggred
My account drive effort

I posted about SoD on my blog which I've gotten up to 100 new views per post in the past so hopefully this will bring some people in!

Going to add some screenshots and an embed link for Youtube tonight after work!

Septis Level 56 troll sk <---- (If I actually get any fame I would like it to go to this char)
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I decided to create a news blog concerning what happens across Dalaya. I'm going to be regularly updating about things going on in-game (new features, zones, wars, guild accomplishments etc).

character: kowuf
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so, I own a LOT of pretty high traffic blogs and I posted on all of them. it also sent out a tweet on each blog corresponding Twitter account.

I am starting this contest late, but I hope I win =)

SoD character name= Armast is a PR 4 with a pretty good alexa rank traffic website (you can search twitter and google at the same time here)*********-experience/*********-experience
( is a flash game website!! very highly people will sign up from here)*********-experience*********-experience/*********-experience*********-experience
(forgive me if it was unacceptable to post it on these 2 above websites)*********-experience*********-experience/*********-experience/*********-experience/*********-experience/*********-experience*********-experience/*********-experience/

also I posted a link on several FLASH GAME websites that are also likely to convert to account holders. You can see the link the middle of the home page
I started a little over a month ago and have gotten 5 of my family and 1 friend to play SoD. 3 of them are playing regularly so far and are enjoying the game.
I'll work on a banner if someone can hook me up with a couple composed, classy screenshots. Right now I don't have EQ installed, much less access to upper tier content. All my old screenshots are on a separate HD, and they aren't great anyway.

Optimal screenshots would include a stunning panorama view depicting some combination of:

*A large group of players (without name clutter).
*Some spell effects/animations.
*A visible enemy, dead or alive.
*An emote.

It's fine if they're independent screenshots though.
i just joined the SoD facebook group online.. and i will continue to represent SoD there

although i didnt spend a few minutes, i did spend a few seconds of my busy time and have also got a few irl friends of mine to join.

go SoD!
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