65 Cleric 75+AA looking for guild


Dalayan Beginner
Hi everyone - 65 Cleric looking for a guild! Raid experience, and some raid gear, but it's been awhile. Please consider me and feel free to look me up for exp groups or raids to see how things fit. Information below..

Character name: Cidney
Level: 65
AA: 75+
Availability: Most weeknights after 6pm central time, some weekend hours depending on RL stuff.
Looking for: Can commit to about 2 raid nights per week, but somewhat flexible.
Fomelo link: Cidney

Let me know if you need some heals or another gnome!
Thanks :toot:
Place an app on our website if you think you can make our raid times.

5PM PST -> 11:30 or 12AM PST Mon+Weds..

Very important that you can stay for 5+ hours on those two nights..

Let us know!
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