3D target ring fix issue


Dalayan Beginner
3D target ring fix issue (eqmain.dll error)

I've tried a number of times to get the fix for the 3D target ring to work with my ATI cards. I've tried using the C:\blahblah\blahblah\eqgame patchme and the C:\blahblah\blahblah\sodpatcher.exe version of the batch file to work, I've tried putting in the vendor and device IDs listed in the 3D Analyzer (the ones for my actual device include a letter and the program wont accept letters) and i've tried using just 0. Even for the heck of it I tried adding TNL=TRUE to my eqclient.ini file and checking force SqTnL in 3D-A. No matter what when I click on RUN in 3D-A the game acts like it is going to load but then I am ALWAYS stuck in loop of the following error window (have to reboot to actually get it to stop coming up)

EverQuest was unable to initilize the file EQMAIN.DLL.

You may wish to try rebootig, deleting EQMAIN.DLL and re-starting Everquest.

If this problem persists, please contact Technical Support at - blah blah

Obviously i've tried rebooting since that is what I HAVE to do in order to get anywhere, I've also tried deleting that file and repatching but it still does not work.
Please help!
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Hate bumping tickets but I see over 100 people have viewed this, I have to believe at least one person out there has to have some idea as to why this is happening or perhaps can offer some insight on what might be going wrong?
Too make this bump a little more useful I will add one peice of info I forgot:
My video card is the ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 series.
Let's review a few steps that are needed to make this work well.

1) Create a batch file #1, This file can be placed anywhere on your machine, this is the one you click to start playing SoD. It should have text similar to this (relative to your pathing):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\3DAnalyze\3DAnalyze.exe" /EXE=D:\SoD\StartSoD.bat

2) Create batch file #2, This file should be in your SoD folder and in my example above is the file references as StartSoD.bat. It should have the following text (relative to your pathing):


3) Run batch file #1, which auto starts the analyzer which auto launches sod patcher.

4) Make sure to uncheck EQWin on the sod patcher because it will not work with the analyzer.

5) You can close the analyzer and any command windows left open after the game has loaded.

6) Profit
Ok I did all of that exactly as you have written (except used my directory paths obviously) and I recieve the exact same Everquest Startup Error window indicating that EverQuest was unable to initialize the file EQMAIN.DLL, etc. etc.
I double checked my options set in 3d Analyzer, by launching the program directly, click Select and point to my StartSoD.bat file (not sure how much this really matters), and these are the options I have set.

VendorId = 4098
DeviceID = 20040 (mimicking a 9800 Pro)
force SW TnL

Never had a problem with it outside of maybe having to set admin permission in Win7, but can't remember for certain if I needed to or not.
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