To pick a deity, travel to the island of voices in the Sea of Swords
As most of you would know, from making choices in quests you can accumulate good, evil, law and chaos points. There is also something known as neutral points, which serve no purpose except to measure which situations you have chosen the neutral option in.
As before, Taldorians will start the game sworn to Malath, Paladins to Althuna and Shadowknights to Marlow. Anyone else will be offered to pick a faith at the island of voices in the Sea of Swords. Once you pick a faith, the only way to lose it is by unswearing and becoming a pariah (which is offered by an NPC as well).
A player sworn to a certain faith can not harm or loot NPCs of that faith. They can not help anyone fighting NPCs of that faith, and cannot buff or resurrect anyone of a different faith while on their home plane. Anyone who swears to a religion will be given the means to teleport to their home plane which will be friendly to them. Asides from the main pantheon previously available, you will also be able to swear to Malath or the Divine Light (the gods and divinity as a whole). Being a Pariah will be a legitimate belief, and basically represents a distrust of the gods and a belief that mortal beings are better off without them. Once you become a pariah, as before, you will never be able to swear to a God again.
When sworn to the Divine Light or as a Pariah, you will gain a 15% flat bonus to all your specializations. When sworn to a different deity, you will gain a bonus or penalty depending on how in sync your alignment is with that of your deity - if your deity is LAWFUL EVIL, the more law and evil points you rack up, the bigger the bonus and the more good and chaos points you rack up, the bigger the penalty. This bonus/penalty is between +20 to -20% for all deities, but those with Neutral alignments will be twice as sensitive about deviation in their non-neutral alignment. This is to compensate for the fact that you start out more in sync with neutral deities, so a neutral deity offers easier and immediately larger rewards. Also, as long as your alignment is NEUTRAL in the area where your god wants you to be NEUTRAL, you will always get the +5% bonus even if you are close to EVIL/GOOD CHAOS/LAW etc, just as long as you don't tip over into those areas (as it is impossible to tell within 'neutral' how far to one side you are). Paladins, Shadowknights and Taldorians are not in any way special here - their bonuses and penalties work exactly like those of any other worshipper of their pre-chosen deities.
Gradalsh - CHAOTIC EVIL - Destructive, entropic
Tarhyl - CHAOTIC EVIL - Dominating, violent
Sivyana - NEUTRAL EVIL - Vengeful, sadistic
Marlow - LAWFUL EVIL - Manipulator, controller
Shojar - LAWFUL EVIL - Schemer, warlord
Enthann - CHAOTIC NEUTRAL - Martial, self-improving
Shiritri - CHAOTIC NEUTRAL - Whimiscal, emotional
The Divine Light - NEUTRAL - Worship of the pantheon as a whole
Sihala - LAWFUL NEUTRAL - Balancing, systematic
Malath - LAWFUL NEUTRAL - Orderly, conservative
Tarhansar - CHAOTIC GOOD - Defender, impulsive
Jayla - NEUTRAL GOOD - Builder, rational
Althuna - LAWFUL GOOD - Healer, just
PLEASE NOTE: If you EVER in your LIFE kill a follower of any of these deities, or hunt in their home planes, you will NEVER be able to swear to them. (Server deity wipe was done months ago). Followers of a specific deity will have the deity name as a tag under their npc name.
Original thread can be found here*
*Post was copied from the original location and updated with all the recent changes by Allielyn on August 27, 2008
As most of you would know, from making choices in quests you can accumulate good, evil, law and chaos points. There is also something known as neutral points, which serve no purpose except to measure which situations you have chosen the neutral option in.
As before, Taldorians will start the game sworn to Malath, Paladins to Althuna and Shadowknights to Marlow. Anyone else will be offered to pick a faith at the island of voices in the Sea of Swords. Once you pick a faith, the only way to lose it is by unswearing and becoming a pariah (which is offered by an NPC as well).
A player sworn to a certain faith can not harm or loot NPCs of that faith. They can not help anyone fighting NPCs of that faith, and cannot buff or resurrect anyone of a different faith while on their home plane. Anyone who swears to a religion will be given the means to teleport to their home plane which will be friendly to them. Asides from the main pantheon previously available, you will also be able to swear to Malath or the Divine Light (the gods and divinity as a whole). Being a Pariah will be a legitimate belief, and basically represents a distrust of the gods and a belief that mortal beings are better off without them. Once you become a pariah, as before, you will never be able to swear to a God again.
When sworn to the Divine Light or as a Pariah, you will gain a 15% flat bonus to all your specializations. When sworn to a different deity, you will gain a bonus or penalty depending on how in sync your alignment is with that of your deity - if your deity is LAWFUL EVIL, the more law and evil points you rack up, the bigger the bonus and the more good and chaos points you rack up, the bigger the penalty. This bonus/penalty is between +20 to -20% for all deities, but those with Neutral alignments will be twice as sensitive about deviation in their non-neutral alignment. This is to compensate for the fact that you start out more in sync with neutral deities, so a neutral deity offers easier and immediately larger rewards. Also, as long as your alignment is NEUTRAL in the area where your god wants you to be NEUTRAL, you will always get the +5% bonus even if you are close to EVIL/GOOD CHAOS/LAW etc, just as long as you don't tip over into those areas (as it is impossible to tell within 'neutral' how far to one side you are). Paladins, Shadowknights and Taldorians are not in any way special here - their bonuses and penalties work exactly like those of any other worshipper of their pre-chosen deities.
Gradalsh - CHAOTIC EVIL - Destructive, entropic
Tarhyl - CHAOTIC EVIL - Dominating, violent
Sivyana - NEUTRAL EVIL - Vengeful, sadistic
Marlow - LAWFUL EVIL - Manipulator, controller
Shojar - LAWFUL EVIL - Schemer, warlord
Enthann - CHAOTIC NEUTRAL - Martial, self-improving
Shiritri - CHAOTIC NEUTRAL - Whimiscal, emotional
The Divine Light - NEUTRAL - Worship of the pantheon as a whole
Sihala - LAWFUL NEUTRAL - Balancing, systematic
Malath - LAWFUL NEUTRAL - Orderly, conservative
Tarhansar - CHAOTIC GOOD - Defender, impulsive
Jayla - NEUTRAL GOOD - Builder, rational
Althuna - LAWFUL GOOD - Healer, just
PLEASE NOTE: If you EVER in your LIFE kill a follower of any of these deities, or hunt in their home planes, you will NEVER be able to swear to them. (Server deity wipe was done months ago). Followers of a specific deity will have the deity name as a tag under their npc name.
Original thread can be found here*
*Post was copied from the original location and updated with all the recent changes by Allielyn on August 27, 2008