Zoning problems


Dalayan Beginner
So far it seems like I can zone just fine from zone to zone unless I am going into cities. Whenever I zone into Oggok or Grobb, my client hangs until I quit it from task manager and restart. This also happens if Im in Grobb or Newport (another character) when I log off and try to log back in, except it eventually works.

Ive tried patching to live and re-patching SoD, Im not sure if anyone else will be able to help, but I'd appreciate it.
I am also having massive trouble zoning. I have about a 50/50 chance it's going to work properly, or I'm going to have to quit from the task manager. Until recently, I had been having trouble connecting at all due to a ghost of the 5e error that is still being worked on. I was not having any problems with zoning before this error came around, so they might be related. I'm hoping that when they are able to up the timeout that will fix the connection and possibly zoning trouble. I run the game with my anti virus turned off (I close it in the system tray and kill all the process still running from the task manager) and I have all the ports forwarded that Wany recommended somewhere on the forums back in May. On a side note....where has Wany been lately anyway?
So far I've deleted all my maps, deleted everything in the UI folder, repatched live and then back to SoD multiple times and Im still having this problem.

Anyone have any ideas?
I have problems like this every now and then, but usually they just somehow fix or solve themselves.

Just as an off the hook suggestion, I'd say patch to live, and then re-patch SoD. Whenever something's broken for me and I can't really see why, I just patch to live and re-patch SoD. It doesn't always fix it, but it has fixed an issue once, I think? I dunno, I mean it's worth trying, for whatever random reason I suppose.
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