Zombie Skin


Dalayan Beginner
I'm working on the Tishkaal Flesh Quest in Grobb and I've hit a roadblock. I can't find any zombie skins! I've hunted all over Stinger's Bog, particulary the north part as suggested, and have not found a single skin. I set up camp around the undead tower, pull those mobs, and kill everything else I see. The closest thing I've found to a zombie skin is a thick zombie hide which is lore. Can anyone confirm that zombie skins drop off the bloated corpses in SB?

Edit: Or if they don't drop the skins, is there another place I should be hunting?

Edit: Nevermind, I finally confirmed it last night. They're either just uncommon or I hit an unlucky streak.
I think you just hit an unlucky streak. I needed a thick skin and hunted them over a couple of night and got close to a stack of regular before getting the thick one. Then again maybe I was the unlucky one ;)
The north is a good spot, but you can also find them fairly often on vendors.
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