Ytrazliarch Quest - Lord Assassin Zyk


Dalayan Beginner
One of the pieces involved in the Ytrazliarch quest is something like the head of a Lord Assassin or something, which seems to obviously be Lord Assassin Zyk in DN. Me and a friend have killed Zyk 5 times over the last 10 days or so and we haven't yet seen a head drop. Is this part broken or are we simply incredibly unlucky? Would appreciate if it can be looked into..thanks
Use the lavacore stone he drops in the combine.

The quest file is being updated to say lavacore stone instead of head of zyk.
Thanks Wiz! I'm hoping the implication of your post is that the lavascore stone has only been put in since this thread, because Zyk hasn't dropped a stone in the 5 times we've killed him either...or again we could be very unlucky
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