Your Patcher Link is broken...


Dalayan Beginner
I finally start installing EQL so I can play on your Server and your patcher Link is dead :(

Please fix it :p
Yeah it looks like the Link on the "Getting Started" page is not working but the one in the Files Section of the site is ok.
Ok so I ran that patcher you gave me the Link to and I run it and it just sits at "getting Patch List" and thats it ??
Yeah, I found that that link on the starting guide was dead also, but the one in the files section works.
My patcher Problem

Okay, I patched WR using the new nifty patcher, and now it's running EQW, which I have never used before, but it is not centered on my screen and I cannot see the top or left side of the game. Any suggestions?
Did you try leaving EQW (using Alt+Tab to switch windows (provided another Window is open) to exit EQ and gain control via Windows - I use Windows Key+D to go to desktop if no other Window is open) - should then be able to move the Window properly (or try using a different screen resolution in EQ/WR).
Re: My patcher Problem

Rhamnusia said:
Okay, I patched WR using the new nifty patcher, and now it's running EQW, which I have never used before, but it is not centered on my screen and I cannot see the top or left side of the game. Any suggestions?

This sounds like the resolution of the game is greater than the resolution of your desktop to me. I would try changing the resolution of your desktop to a larger size (2 steps bigger than what you have ATM)

To change the resolution settings, right click on your desktop (away from icons) click on Properties (or open your control panel, and double click on Display), and then click on the Settings tab, the resolution is on the bottom right hand corner of the display properties window. (also called "Screen Area")
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