Your Guild Settings and You!


Dalayan Master
Once again I write to you, the general populace of our fair internet lands, offering a (hopefully) useful write up. This time I give you something only useful to guild leaders and officers, still a fledgling in their ability to edit ranks and permissions!

Hello! I am Vitali, but you already know me from box office successes as "300: A Gnome's Empire Rises" and "How to Train Your Gnome". I take time away from my busy film career to aid in the education of all! Or at least in the education of those unfamiliar.

For this, I am using a treasured old character with rank 0 (Leader) permissions of beloved guild <Big Budget Sundog Riders>

Getting Started!
Before you can begin, you must ensure you are the guild's leader. If you are not, you need to be able to log in the guild's leader to make and changes. If you are not the leader, I would advise you break words with them before messing with their ranking system.

Now that we have our character logged in let's begin with the basic command.
/cm guild info
From here you are able to see everything that is available for you to edit.

From this list you can see all your guild's rank, listed from top (highest rank) to bottom (lowest rank) as well as everything that particular rank can do. Let us take rank 5 for example:

Rank 5: ^v^v^v^v^v--/\---\o/---/\---^v^v^v^v^ Shark Bait
HearGU: N SpeakGU: Y Invite: N Remove: N Promote: Y Demote: N MOTD: N War/Peace: N

At a glance this may look confusing, but it isn't as bad as you may think. Let's break it down a bit.

HearGU: This is the ability to read what your guild members are saying in guild chat.
SpeakGU: This is the ability to speak to your guild members in guild chat.
Invite: This is the ability to invite new members into your guild.
Remove: This is the ability to remove/ kick out someone from your guild.
Promote: This is the ability to promote guild members to a higher rank. *Note* You may not promote someone to a higher rank then you currently posses.
Demote: This is the ability to demote guild members to a lower rank. *Note* You may not demote someone higher rank then yourself.
MOTD: The ability to set/ edit a Message of the Day for your guild to see at log in.
War/Peace: This is (supposedly) the ability to declare war with another guild. Conversely you can make peace with another guild you are currently at war with. *Note* I do not think this function actually works.

Editing Your Rank:

Now that you know what the ranks look like and how they can be deciphered, you can turn attention to editing them! To see basic information on editing each rank type:

/cm guild help

You will be greeted with this set of commands:

Like before, let's break this down a bit and understand what each command does:

/cmd guild info guildnum

[*]Proper Usage[*]
/cm guild info
This command allows you to see all of your guild's ranks and permissions (shown earlier in this write up)

/cmd guild promote rank [charname]

[*]Proper Usage[*]
/cm guild promote # <name>
This command allows someone with the ability to promote members to elevate their rank. Replace # with a rank of your guild 1-5 (1 being near guild leader status and 5 being new recruit)

/cm guild promote 1 Vitali
This would promote Vitali from whatever rank he was before, to rank 1 within the guild. Something to note, once again, you may not promote someone higher then your current rank. This would mean is someone were rank 2, Vitali could not be promoted to rank 1 by them.

/cmd guild demote rank [charname]

[*]Proper Usage[*]
/cm guild demote # <name>
This command allows someone with the ability to demote to lower a members rank in the guild.
Replace # with a rank of your guild 2-5.

/cm guild demote 5 Vitali
This would demote Vitali from whatever rank he was before, to rank 5 within the guild.
Something to note, again, you may not demote someone to rank 1. There can be a single rank 0 person (guild leader), thus no way to demote someone to rank 1.

/guildmotd [newmotd]

[*]Proper Usage[*]
/guildmotd <An important message here>
This command is pretty straight forward. It allows you to set a message for all your guild members to see upon logging in.

[/color=green]/cmd guild edit rank title newtitle[/color]

[*]Proper Usage[*]
/cm guild edit # title <new name>
This command allows you to create titles for each rank of your guild. Once you promote or demote someone it will tell the guild what their new rank is. Replace # with 1-5, depending on the rank title you are attempting to change.

/cm guild edit 5 title New Recruit
This has changed the rank 5 title (the one you are given upon entering the guild) from what is was previously to the new title "New Recruit" as seen below.

When someone is invited into the guild now, it will show them as joining as a "New Recruit" as well now.

/cmd guild edit rank permission 0/1

[*]Proper Usage[*]
/cm guild edit # <permission name> 0/1
This is how a guild leader will decide which rank can do what within their guild. It may seem complicated at a glance, however the confusion is only in the way it is presented in game. Many times have I seen improper syntax used to execute a command only to be greeted with error messages. This portion will tie in with an earlier part of this guide.

/cm guild edit 5 HearGU 0
This will make rank 5 of your guild unable to see what is said in guild chat. Conversely you can change the 0 to a 1 to enable this. Replace HearGU with any of the options below:


You may also change the number to anything 1-5 to edit what each rank is allowed to to.

Changing Leadership

Our last command here is for when a leader wants to step down, and allow someone else to wear the title of Guild Leader. There can only be one guild leader in a guild at a time, and they can do whatever they like with ranks on a whim. This shouldn't be dealt with by anyone other then the leader, or trusted Officers.

/cmd leader newleader

[*]Proper Usage[*]
/cm leader Vitali
This would change the previous leader of your guild to Vitali. You would also be greeted with a message in guild chat notifying anyone online that leadership has been passed from one to another. Again, this can only be done by the guild leader.


That is about it as far as managing guild ranks goes. I will attempt to fix formatting a bit in the future, but all the info needed should be within this post. Like my previous write up, I would hope if this is found useful by most, it will someday become stickied.

If anything else should be cleared up or included in this, please feel free to post it, PM me, or whatever. Thanks!
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6/14/2013 - Revised format (already). Added some color to highlight more important features and break up this post a bit.
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You could also add that if you target someone and do /guildstatus the following results occur:

For Rank 0:Guild Leader (more than one person can be rank 0 but only the guild leader via the command can actually make Rank 0s while being a rank 0).

For Rank 1 and 2: Officer

For Rank 3,4,5: Member

I am not in game right now for the actual message but the status is given above for the given rank.

Edit: It is something like "Soandso is a member of <Guild>", "Soandso is an officer of <Guild>" and "Soandso is the leader of <Guild>".
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