You have been BANISHED ...!


Dalayan Beginner
EQEmu Error: You have been BANISHED from EverQuest. To contest this decision, please contact the server's administration.


Assume this is a bug; it is giving me the error @ login, no matter who I am trying to load.

Started when I lagged out zoning from MoP to Newport on Baeste.

Anything I can do to fix it on my end? I have dragons to kill soon.
EQEmu Error: You have been BANISHED from EverQuest. To contest this decision, please contact the server's administration.


Assume this is a bug; it is giving me the error @ login, no matter who I am trying to load.

Started when I lagged out zoning from MoP to Newport on Baeste.

Anything I can do to fix it on my end? I have dragons to kill soon.

Same thing happened to me but from newport to thaz
Sounds like an issue of collateral damage from an IP ban. You would need to appeal the ban as such, and appeals go to [email protected]

Make sure to include all applicable times and IP addresses.
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