Hey all, just dropped in to say hello and kind of introduce myself to whoever decides to read this
I played on Tunare way back when EQ was a new and spectacular game, a couple months before kunark was released, and played straight through to LDoN beta. Unfortunately i had to stop playing, the university i went to had everything firewalled and port blocked out the ass, so no more EQ.
Now i'm no longer in uni (long story, don't ask), played WoW private servers for 6 months or so and it just brought back too many memories for me to control my EQ urges :haw: and i really don't have the money to pay for live servers, and i don't think i would even if i did *coughsoecansuckmyballscough* So here i am, and i've just got a few questions about the server:
1. How drastic are the zone, mob, discipline, and gameplay changes? Is there a list of major changes anywhere?
2. How far along are the expansions on the emu? PoP? LoY? farther along?
3. Can i still /punt gnomes with no repercussions? :haw:
See you in game guys!
AsylumX aka Bebop aka Kelorm
Now i'm no longer in uni (long story, don't ask), played WoW private servers for 6 months or so and it just brought back too many memories for me to control my EQ urges :haw: and i really don't have the money to pay for live servers, and i don't think i would even if i did *coughsoecansuckmyballscough* So here i am, and i've just got a few questions about the server:
1. How drastic are the zone, mob, discipline, and gameplay changes? Is there a list of major changes anywhere?
2. How far along are the expansions on the emu? PoP? LoY? farther along?
3. Can i still /punt gnomes with no repercussions? :haw:
See you in game guys!
AsylumX aka Bebop aka Kelorm