Yet Another Common Crash


Dalayan Beginner
I've seen and read about similar things happening to other people but the solutions I read still haven't fixed the problem.

I open SoD patcher and let it do its thing which then opens eqw. I then press "Start EQ" and it loads up fine. I can enter my login details and get to the server select screen fine, but when I click "Play" the eqw mouse cursor stops moving and the normal Windows one takes over and within 20 seconds eqw has crashed. I don't know how to fix it.
Also the sound doesn't work as far as I know (I tried pressing Enter in options already).

Ive got EQ and all the patches upto and including PoP installed.
Patched with the SoD patcher.
Opens using eqw 2.35a.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

look in your eqclient.ini file, and change "WindowedMode=TRUE" to "WindowedMode=FALSE" its the second line from the top, cant miss it
Should patch up to LoY by the way. Just check it on the normal EQ patcher and it'll give you the files and go to the options on the normal EQ and turn the sound on there. Its how I fixed mine. Now to fix the cursor freezing hit ctrl+alt+R I think it is.
I repatched my EQ using the original patcher, then tried running the SoD patcher again and it did its thing then opened eqw, I hit start and it goes into full screen but it won't let me control the mouse.
So I then went and manually patched EQ with the SoD files and it only got as far as it did earlier - crashing when it says Submitting player to world server or something.
Is there anything else I can do?
Thansk to everyone who has suggested things so far.

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