Yejhana's Lodestone (Vah)


Dalayan Beginner
Well, i have been tring to do this quest, but everytime i get it with the quest NPC in the vah camp, once i zone with my char, it just dissapears from my Journal logs, and i have to go back and re get it, after doing this a couple times, and the quest not stickin in my Journal. I went to kill the Harthuks in GD anyways, thinkin that maybe the item would drop, but after killing for 1 hour, and not 1 single bead droping, i think i may need to have the quest on my journal to be flagged for the item to drop.

With that said, could any Dev_Team take a look at if the quest is really bugged, or its my char or if the item will drop even if i dont have the quest, and it was just bad luck?

the beads drop even when you dont have the quest in your journal... altho the quest not stickin in the journal kinda sucks.
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