Yaralith the Forgotten


Dalayan Beginner
I was always under the impression that the final mob for the Shaman "Epic" Mask, Yaralith the Forgotten, had a 100% chance to drop a relic scroll. Earlier this evening he was killed, and no scroll dropped. I just wanted to make sure that this was not a bug, as most people on the raid were under the same impression as me. Thanks!
Ok thanks very much, just wanted to make sure since I definitely looked like a jerk when everyone expecting it got the bad news ;)
that's the second time i've heard of it happening. It happened when Xavu did his too =(
You had a CW person with you, hence you were cursed. See, we have probably the worst f'ing luck with relics. As a matter of fact, we've only had 10, 1 0, TEN, relics dropped since we've started raiding red con targets.. about a year ago. True we're casual.. but still. We've downed shit tons of reds in that time. So, you dudes were screwed from the get go.
Once you have the things to awaken him I have no problem taking the pickups there. It was pretty fast, wouldve been way faster had there not been some initial confusion.

Same goes for any shammy.
Jun said:
Once you have the things to awaken him I have no problem taking the pickups there. It was pretty fast, wouldve been way faster had there not been some initial confusion.

Same goes for any shammy.
gonna start on it
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