XP Probs on 2.5


Dalayan Beginner
My two favorite machines to SoD on are ones with XP Home SP2. That is, they were until 2.5 went live. These are older machines that are probably not capable of running the 64 Bit redistributable software packs (C++, something else) packs that were neceassary to get My Win 8 machine running 2.5. As it is now, my xp machines won't even run the 2.5 patcher, some sort of unable to initiate error or something. Does anybody have any instructions as to how (if?) I can get these machines running 2.5? I have never worked with Linux ever, but is there a free, easy to set up linux os that can run SoD 2.5 on my old computers? Am I just screwed and need to move on?

Thanks for any suggestions, instructions and support.
If you're looking to run SoD on linux you're probably going to do it through WINE. I am not a big linux guy, but I'd try either mint or debian. If WINE isn't already in those distros you can just DL it.

Of course you could also look at steamOS. I don't know how far along valve is with it but they will want as many games to run on it as possible so for a gaming system it could be pretty good. Maybe not yet though.
Thanks for the answer! Unfortunately I lost you at WINE. Nevertheless, thank you very much for giving me something to check out.
I'm working on getting 2.5 working on Ubuntu 14.04 -- no promises but if I get it running smooth I'll post a for-linux-idiots write up.
I have the problem solved on one machine at least and I am in the process of implementing it on the other. I had to do the following:

1) Download and install Service Pack 3 for XP
2) Download and install newer version of Windows Installer
3) Download and install .NETFramework 4.0
4) Download and install the C++ 2013 redistributable x86 version
5) reinstall DirectX from the link on the patcher

First try, XP machine once again runs better than Windows 8
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