Wyvernfang Armor Quest


Dalayan Beginner
Greetings, I have a question for any who have done the Wyverfang Armor Quest for Druids or monk. I there a spot other than the listed Clanrats for the Leather Strap drops? I have been camping these guys now for about 4 days and 3 levels (26,27,28). I have seen the plate drop and Patterns but not a sign of the Leather:( Any recommendations?
Griffons in Badlands drop IT i believe , As well as some mobs in Shrouded Isle.

I think there should be more drops on these , Seeing as its mostly neglected by all players.

By the time I had the pieces on my rogue I could afford better :(
Two options (there are more): young griffons/griffons in NBL, and cecuvians in warpstone.

I was able to solo the cecuvian area of Warpstone at some point in the low-mid 30s (memory is fuzzy here). There are plenty of melee only mobs. Within a number of levels, I had every pattern and half a dozen leather straps. Of course, Skulker's drops here too (uncommon, but again, you can get a full set within a few levels) and has comparable stats.

Few notes on warpstone:
- Once you turn-in the stone to the garg, you cannot exit without gate/death
- Dwellers and Lurkers proc a slow, but otherwise, it's manageable. Prowlers proc a DD.
- Lurkers are invis'd (even after they attack you) - if you have yourself targeted before they attack, you will not autotarget them. Otherwise, if you have nothing targeted (I developed a habit of hitting escape all time walking around in this zone), you will autotarget them when they strike you.
- Mobs reset timers are not linked (there's a bit of randomization), so you can easily FD split pairs (are you a monk or druid?)
- Seers may not be worth the trouble, besides one wanderer on the lower level, you cannot get less than three in a pull. However, if you have patience and time it right (when they start self-buffing), it's a standard caster FD split and pretty easy to do as monk.
- As you level up and the mobs go green, they will still aggro you.
IIRC the higher level mobs in MielA drop this stuff, too.

It used to be that the prime place to get Wyvernfang armor drops was First Ruins, but that's obviously not the case anymore =P
Hasrett said:
IIRC the higher level mobs in MielA drop this stuff, too.

It used to be that the prime place to get Wyvernfang armor drops was First Ruins, but that's obviously not the case anymore =P
This is the sad truth , I used to have a good deal of the stuff on my shadowknight , then it was made No drop for some reason.

Also im not sure on the items dropping in mielecha, Ive killed mages and havent seen them drop , along with soldiers/clerics/chaplains.
I was in Shrouded Isle basement the other day, and definitely saw every type of pattern drop while there.. I recall seeing the Plate and Leather straps drop as well
Alrighty, I may misremember the MielA. It's been a while.

I do know that I saw all of about 5 pieces drop while leveling Galerian 1-65. If the armor quest is meant to be very viable, the drops should be more widely distributed and probably also slightly more common.

One option might be to have some sort of token drop instead of armor-type-specific pieces, which could then be turned in to one of four NPCs in return for the specific armor type you need (or just skip that step and have four different NPCs who take the token and a pattern/mold and give you the armor piece).
Should just make the pieces droppable (again). I mean the people still either have to get a port to wyvernfang to turn them in or have to run all the way there. It's not like the armor is super incredible anyway and most of it isn't even as good as Mithril/Dalium or Panther/Hopperhide.

By the time you can get most of this stuff, you already have better armor anyway. Lower level mobs should drop this junk if it's going to stay no drop.
kukov said:
Should just make the pieces droppable (again). I mean the people still either have to get a port to wyvernfang to turn them in or have to run all the way there. It's not like the armor is super incredible anyway and most of it isn't even as good as Mithril/Dalium or Panther/Hopperhide.

By the time you can get most of this stuff, you already have better armor anyway. Lower level mobs should drop this junk if it's going to stay no drop.

I was going to suggest that as well but did not have my flame shield prepared (Assuming the reason for it being no drop is very valid)

I used to get alot of nifty trades for my golden plates / steel chains off my druid but never anything to :psyduck: ' over.

And this would definitively increase the users of the armor (IMO)

Also does this quest give a experience reward? Its been a long time so I cannot recall.
Awesome, thanks Wiz! That's going to make the quests far more viable again.

My new pally might not have used plate gaunts until level 65 and 10 or 15 AAs if I could have nabbed Wyvernfang =P
Thank you for all the input guys:) I have a few pieces now....after 7 levels of hunting:(...I have to agree that these quest items should drop a bit more often.....by the time you have a few pieces (in my case and my wifes War), you are already at a level that the armor is not very good for the level. In my case I went from level 25 to 32 and have 4 pieces to show for it. My wifes War went from 23 to 31 with 5 pieces. True it is better than the Soft Leather I was wearing or the silver plate she was wearing buuuut its not that great for the levels we made trying to get what little we did. The exp on the hunt was good but was the quest worth the time spent in one spot?......................hmmmm the jury is still out.
Now that the stuff is droppable again, it should start showing up in auction and on listsolds. It used to go for 5-20pp per piece, materials and patterns alike, so the prices are pretty reasonable for the level range and the rewards.
Hasrett said:
Now that the stuff is droppable again, it should start showing up in auction and on listsolds. It used to go for 5-20pp per piece, materials and patterns alike, so the prices are pretty reasonable for the level range and the rewards.

Patterns = no drop still unfortunately.

Have got me a few pieces of materials but too lazy to farm pattern pieces with the alt.
Ahh, gotcha. Well, that's definitely an improvement... I guess kind of a middle ground between the old, all droppable system and the recent all ND system.

Either way, it provides everyone the opportunities for some relatively inexpensive, balanced upgrades in the low-mid levels. I highly approve =P
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